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hayl | all galleries >> Galleries >> New Orleans May 2014 > City Wildlife (6 photo series) - and the last New Orleans pictures
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City Wildlife (6 photo series) - and the last New Orleans pictures

Yellow-crowned Night-heron & crayfish. City Park is a large public space within the city limits
and includes an Art Gallery, Sculpture Garden, Botanical Garden and large parkland with a
stream (bayou) running through it. Katrina put 3 feet of water over the whole area for 2
weeks wiping out all but the large trees in the botanical garden.

Juvenile Yellow-crowned Night Heron in the hot noon day sunshine.

Domestic Swan Geese also called Chinese Geese swimming in the bayou.

Red-eared Sliders in the bayou at City Park - they're native to the southern states not just pets.

Laughing Gulls downtown Mississippi waterfront. These were the only gulls around - other species
have left for cooler parts.

Mocking Bird - lots and lots everywhere and always singing except of course when I wanted a photo.

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Ellen Michaels12-Apr-2019 13:23
Lovely series.
Carl H. Johnson05-Jun-2017 10:33
Great series!!!
MarcViskens05-Dec-2014 21:18
lovely series
well done
Claude Gagnon24-Jul-2014 02:33
Beautiful series ! Great work Linda :))
Hank Vander Velde19-May-2014 11:10
A terrific set of images from N.O. Linda. I especially like the Swan and Red-eared Slider images.
Doug Griffith19-May-2014 00:17
Great series, Linda. I too, like the Yellow-crowned Heron.
Penny B18-May-2014 21:39
Wonderful shots Linda. I especially like the Night Heron images.
Cynthia (Cindy) Sutcliffe18-May-2014 21:34
Great shot of the Yellow-crowned sampling the local cuisine too!
Cynthia (Cindy) Sutcliffe18-May-2014 21:32
Wow! Love the swans as they don't look real. Another wonderful series that makes me wanting more!
larose forest photos18-May-2014 21:11
What a fabulous set of photos!! The mockingbird shot is excellent, as are the two night herons, but in fact, all are fantastic!!
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