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hayl | all galleries >> Galleries >> New Orleans May 2014 > Balconies, etc (5 photo series)
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Balconies, etc (5 photo series)

Apparently these are the most photographed balconies in the French Quarter. Stores on the
main floor and apartments above - tourists in the street.

A private home in the French Quarter.

The filigree on our condo's balcony making a shadow on
the neighbour's wall.

Corn cob wrought iron fence around a large home in
the Garden District.

Apartment building in the French Quarter with a gas lantern hanging above
the bicycle - they burned all the time.

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Ellen Michaels13-Sep-2020 15:09
Beautiful series.
Coleen Perilloux Landry06-Dec-2015 03:09
The top shot is a fabulous shot of the LaBranche Building. I have seen it many times and this photo really does it justice.
Hank Vander Velde18-May-2014 13:27
What a superb series of interesting and beautiful images Linda. Thanks for sharing.
Cynthia (Cindy) Sutcliffe18-May-2014 09:57
You have found some amazing details and views. Beautiful!
Penny B18-May-2014 09:29
Great series capturing architectural detail of balconies and the floral displays on them are beautiful.
larose forest photos18-May-2014 00:57
These are a visual treat. I am really enjoying the colour and beauty of New Orleans in all your beautifully photographed images.
Doug Griffith17-May-2014 22:59
Colourful; and interesting series, Linda. I love the corn cob fence!
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