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hashiru | profile | all galleries >> Ireland 2005 >> The Rock of Cashel (November 8, 2005) tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

The Rock of Cashel (November 8, 2005)

The Rock of Cashel is perhaps the most extensive and most prominent of ancient ruins in Ireland. We decided to visit it at the last minute and we're both glad we did.

Ladyswell House
Ladyswell House
The Rock of Cashel
The Rock of Cashel
Walls of the stronghold
Walls of the stronghold
Another ruins
Another ruins
Ruins of church
Ruins of church
Archway leading inside
Archway leading inside
High tower
High tower
Impressive stone figures
Impressive stone figures
More carving
More carving
Celtic cross
Celtic cross
Sheep and cattle
Sheep and cattle
Courtyard by the tower
Courtyard by the tower
g3/42/13342/3/52670453.ireland2005717.jpg Tower and graves again
Tower and graves again
The town of Cashel
The town of Cashel
Carved heads
Carved heads
More carved heads
More carved heads
Arched doorway
Arched doorway
More of the arch
More of the arch
Marker in Irish and English
Marker in Irish and English
Inside the Visitors area
Inside the Visitors area
Very nice carving
Very nice carving
Display case
Display case
Fabulous beasts
Fabulous beasts
Just outside the castle grounds
Just outside the castle grounds
Ruins of Abbey
Ruins of Abbey
Ho hum - some more ruins
Ho hum - some more ruins
Interesting gate
Interesting gate
More palm trees
More palm trees
Attractive pub front
Attractive pub front
The main street in Cashel
The main street in Cashel
Cashel Palace Hotel
Cashel Palace Hotel
Time for some more restoration?
Time for some more restoration?