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Greg Harp | all galleries >> Galleries >> Most Viewed Images > Chandelier Sculpture ~ July 28 [5]
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28-JUL-2007 Greg Harp

Chandelier Sculpture ~ July 28 [5]

New London, Minnesota

A contemporary chandelier sculpture, by artist Jonathan Gomez Whitney, hangs suspended by helium balloons over ARThouse, founded by artists Andrew Nordin and Lisa Bergh.

For more information on ARThouse visit their website at

A few other views of Jonathan Gomez Whitney's sculture:

other sizes: small medium original auto
bryce beverlin II 14-Aug-2007 17:08
sweet! the top photo looks like some sort of sea creature from the depths
Jeanne Newman01-Aug-2007 15:20
What a lush series of crystaline images! Gorgeous work! Voted!
blizzard01-Aug-2007 02:38
creative artistic original
brilliant camera work I tip my hat to you in restpect v
Guest 31-Jul-2007 02:09
I spent a day shooting these and went nuts, Some great ones here, very nice work.
Katie Chew30-Jul-2007 13:37
QUERIDO30-Jul-2007 12:19
Beautiful shot, V
Dave Wixx30-Jul-2007 05:14
Interesting. Maybe I could put one together for my yard!!!
Guest 30-Jul-2007 02:47
Interesting find!
Guest 30-Jul-2007 02:28
Awesome! V
s_barbour30-Jul-2007 01:26
Awesome shots Greg, so cool! I thought it was fireworks from the thumbnail.