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Greg Harp | all galleries >> Galleries >> Most Viewed Images > Bandit in the Woods ~ June 6 [20]
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06-JUN-2007 Greg Harp

Bandit in the Woods ~ June 6 [20]

Pioneer Village, Spring Mill State Park, Indiana

Nikon D200 ,Nikkor 80-400mm f/4.5-5.6D ED VR AF
1/125s f/5.6 at 400.0mm iso800 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Chris Thorpe04-Jul-2007 14:24
Excellent catch! Beautiful image.
Carol Rollins29-Jun-2007 03:26
Excellent capture, Greg. Very good exposure!
Guest 25-Jun-2007 14:30
Wonderful capture, very sharp and well exposed, also cute. v.
Joanne Kamo23-Jun-2007 12:48
Adorable image! Tack sharp, lovely pose, and great exposure. V
Debbie Blackburn Beierle23-Jun-2007 05:48
So VERY cute! Wonderful sharp detail with vivid colors. vote
Mindy McNaugher22-Jun-2007 19:26
Excellent shot! Vote!
shatterbug20-Jun-2007 04:45
Superb capture!
Ashley Hockenberry20-Jun-2007 00:07
Guest 19-Jun-2007 14:06
Nice shot.
Guest 19-Jun-2007 13:52
What a great shot! Big V.
Katie Chew19-Jun-2007 13:49
Excellent capture! V
Olaf Herrig19-Jun-2007 09:33
Excellent image! V.
lou_rozensteins19-Jun-2007 09:05
Beautiful shot. Well done. Voted.
Dan Ng19-Jun-2007 08:11
A wonderful pose with sharp details attention to the eyes. V.
QUERIDO19-Jun-2007 06:00
Beautiful shot,vote
Dave Wixx19-Jun-2007 03:40
Such cute animals, lovely capture.
Robin Reid19-Jun-2007 02:45
Terrific shot well done.
Pathfinder19-Jun-2007 02:39
I hope you had all your food put away and your trash put up. They will eat marshmellows out of your hand though ;-)
Guest 19-Jun-2007 02:36
Excellent capture of this guy, Greg!
Guest 19-Jun-2007 02:27
Formal attire and a lot of curiosity. Could be a loud night.
Guest 19-Jun-2007 02:05
Fantastic capture! vote
Char19-Jun-2007 01:56
Hi Greg,
A wonderful capture! \/
Bryan Ramsay19-Jun-2007 01:41
Great shot!!! Super portrait! -BJ V
b-w studio19-Jun-2007 01:00
Guest 19-Jun-2007 00:54
Fantastic capture.V
Guest 19-Jun-2007 00:45
Wonderful capture!! Voted.
Guest 19-Jun-2007 00:31
I love this in the natural setting! V
Sheila19-Jun-2007 00:22
What a wonderful clear shot!
Peter Stahl19-Jun-2007 00:00
Sweet capture! GMV.
Cindi Smith18-Jun-2007 23:22
I have yet to get a shot of a live raccoon! Looks like you caught Rocky perfectly! Love this shot! V
s_barbour18-Jun-2007 23:15
Excellent wild life capture Greg. It's hard to imagine that they can be so vicious with such a sweet face!
Jess. ( Lady.D.)18-Jun-2007 22:59
The really are cute is sometimes a nuisance, great capture.........Jess
J. Scott Coile18-Jun-2007 22:59
Cute lil' criminal ;-) Great capture!
Guest 18-Jun-2007 22:25
fantastic capture!
laine8218-Jun-2007 22:25
Such a sweet face...nice shot, Greg