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Hank Vander Velde | all galleries >> Galleries >> Loons > 20080610 067 Common Loon SERIES.jpg
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10-JUN-2008 Hank v/d Velde

20080610 067 Common Loon SERIES.jpg

Mississippi Lake/River, Ontario

Four Loon Images plus one image of the Loon's nest + two eggs. The Loons have been alternately attending or sitting on the nest for about four weeks and the eggs should be hatching any day now. In the final image, taken June 12th, some cracks can be seen in the shell of one of the eggs. This may be an indication that the young loon is about to break out of its shell.

First (above) image: Loon is playing Peek-a-Boo

This was taken on a very hot day. The Loon is panting with its beak open. This is their way of combating the heat. A droplet of moisture (sweat) can be seen in the tip of its beak.

Vegetation is growing higher; thus, making the Loons less visible.

The Loon on the nest is geting a bit anxious as my boat has drifted a bit too close due to high winds. I back off quickly; however, the Loon does vacate the nest for a very brief time, which permitted me to get the next shot from a distance.

There are still two eggs in the nest ( AM, June 12th). The one on the right has some cracks developing in the shell. This may be an indication that the chick is about to hatch.

Nikon D300 ,Nikkor 300mm f/2.8G ED-IF AF-S VR
1/320s f/8.0 at 500.0mm iso320 full exif

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