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Caldbeck Fells Minerals

A famous area for colourful minerals - greens, blues, oranges and yellows.

"The mynes" are shown on a 1576 map, but the locality is spelled "Cladbek."
Hexagonal molybdenite crystals to 5 mm in quartz. Carrock Mine, Caldbeck Fells, Cumbria.
Hexagonal molybdenite crystals to 5 mm in quartz. Carrock Mine, Caldbeck Fells, Cumbria.
Arsenopyrite, 4 cm with numerous stepped faces, Carrock Mine, ex Lindsay Greenbank Collection, LG178.
Arsenopyrite, 4 cm with numerous stepped faces, Carrock Mine, ex Lindsay Greenbank Collection, LG178.
Joseite crystals on quartz, Carrock Mine, ex Richard Barstow.
Joseite crystals on quartz, Carrock Mine, ex Richard Barstow.
Carrock Mine bismuthinite crystals to 5 mm on 5 cm quartz matrix.
Carrock Mine bismuthinite crystals to 5 mm on 5 cm quartz matrix.
Manganese oxides (Romanèchite), 9 cm specimen, with campylite crystals to 7 mm, Drygill Mine, Caldbeck Fells, Cumbria.
Manganese oxides (Romanèchite), 9 cm specimen, with campylite crystals to 7 mm, Drygill Mine, Caldbeck Fells, Cumbria.
Leadhillite crystals to 0.5 mm, associated with caledonite and cerussite. Red Gill Mine, Caldbeck Fells, Cumbria.
Leadhillite crystals to 0.5 mm, associated with caledonite and cerussite. Red Gill Mine, Caldbeck Fells, Cumbria.
Leadhillite, Red Gill
Leadhillite, Red Gill
57 mm specimen showing Rosasite with sharp colourless crystals of hemimorphite to 2 mm, Roughton Gill, Cumbria
57 mm specimen showing Rosasite with sharp colourless crystals of hemimorphite to 2 mm, Roughton Gill, Cumbria
Linarite crystals to 16 mm with cerussite in 29 mm group. Caldbeck Fells. ex Carlton Davis (1920-2003) collection.
Linarite crystals to 16 mm with cerussite in 29 mm group. Caldbeck Fells. ex Carlton Davis (1920-2003) collection.
Red Gill Linarite, crystals to 6 mm with cerussite and quartz, 65 mm.
Red Gill Linarite, crystals to 6 mm with cerussite and quartz, 65 mm.
Red Gill Linarite, crystals to 6 mm with cerussite and quartz, 65 mm.
Red Gill Linarite, crystals to 6 mm with cerussite and quartz, 65 mm.
Red Gill Linarite, crystals to 6 mm with cerussite and quartz, 65 mm.
Red Gill Linarite, crystals to 6 mm with cerussite and quartz, 65 mm.
Linarite crystal, on 3 cm matrix, Short Grain, Deer Hills, Cumbria.
Linarite crystal, on 3 cm matrix, Short Grain, Deer Hills, Cumbria.
Linarite crystals on 5 cm quartz matrix, Red Gill, Caldbeck Fells, Cumbria.
Linarite crystals on 5 cm quartz matrix, Red Gill, Caldbeck Fells, Cumbria.
Caledonite crystals to about 1mm. Red Gill Mine, Red Gill, Caldbeck Fells, Cumbria.
Caledonite crystals to about 1mm. Red Gill Mine, Red Gill, Caldbeck Fells, Cumbria.
Caledonite crystals to about 1mm. Red Gill Mine, Red Gill, Caldbeck Fells, Cumbria.
Caledonite crystals to about 1mm. Red Gill Mine, Red Gill, Caldbeck Fells, Cumbria.
Caledonite crystals to a little less than 1mm on 25 mm matrix. Red Gill Mine, Red Gill, Caldbeck Fells, Cumbria.
Caledonite crystals to a little less than 1mm on 25 mm matrix. Red Gill Mine, Red Gill, Caldbeck Fells, Cumbria.
Anglesite, Old Dutch Level, Red Gill, Roughton Gill, Cumbria. Ex Barstow, Sutcliffe, Greenbanks
Anglesite, Old Dutch Level, Red Gill, Roughton Gill, Cumbria. Ex Barstow, Sutcliffe, Greenbanks
Anglesite, Old Dutch Level, Red Gill, Roughton Gill, Cumbria
Anglesite, Old Dutch Level, Red Gill, Roughton Gill, Cumbria
Baryte, 4 cm, Drygill Mine, with mimetite var campylite.
Baryte, 4 cm, Drygill Mine, with mimetite var campylite.
Brochantite microcrystals. Roughton Gill, Caldbeck Fells, Cumbria.
Brochantite microcrystals. Roughton Gill, Caldbeck Fells, Cumbria.
Brochantite microcrystals with carminite (or perhaps pitticite). Roughton Gill, Caldbeck Fells, Cumbria.
Brochantite microcrystals with carminite (or perhaps pitticite). Roughton Gill, Caldbeck Fells, Cumbria.
Pyromorphite crystals to 5 mm on 3 cm matrix. Mexico Mine, Roughton Gill, Cumbria.
Pyromorphite crystals to 5 mm on 3 cm matrix. Mexico Mine, Roughton Gill, Cumbria.
Pyromophite crystals in 25 mm group. Open cut on Roughton Gill S lode, above Low Mexico Mine, Roughton Gill, Caldbeck Fells.
Pyromophite crystals in 25 mm group. Open cut on Roughton Gill S lode, above Low Mexico Mine, Roughton Gill, Caldbeck Fells.
Pyromophite crystals to 11 mm. Mexico Mine, Roughton Gill, Caldbeck Fells.
Pyromophite crystals to 11 mm. Mexico Mine, Roughton Gill, Caldbeck Fells.
Pyromorphite Mexico Mine detail
Pyromorphite Mexico Mine detail
Pyromorphite Roughton Gill, Caldbeck Fells, Cumbria.
Pyromorphite Roughton Gill, Caldbeck Fells, Cumbria.
Pyromorphite crystals on quartz (field of view is 18 mm), Open cut above Driggith Mine, Caldbeck Fells, Cumbria.
Pyromorphite crystals on quartz (field of view is 18 mm), Open cut above Driggith Mine, Caldbeck Fells, Cumbria.
Pyromorphite crystals to 11 mm on 4 cm matrix. Mexico Mine, Roughton Gill, Cumbria.
Pyromorphite crystals to 11 mm on 4 cm matrix. Mexico Mine, Roughton Gill, Cumbria.
Campylite with Baryte, 6 cm, Drygill Mine, Caldbeck Fells, Cumbria.
Campylite with Baryte, 6 cm, Drygill Mine, Caldbeck Fells, Cumbria.
Mimetite in orange barrels on 3 cm quartz matrix. Mexico Mine, Caldbeck Fells, Cumbria.
Mimetite in orange barrels on 3 cm quartz matrix. Mexico Mine, Caldbeck Fells, Cumbria.
Campylite crystals to 1 cm on manganese oxide matrix. Drygill Mine, Caldbeck Fells.
Campylite crystals to 1 cm on manganese oxide matrix. Drygill Mine, Caldbeck Fells.
Mimetite var campylite in barrel-shaped crystals to 1 cm with baryte. Drygill, Caldbeck Fells.
Mimetite var campylite in barrel-shaped crystals to 1 cm with baryte. Drygill, Caldbeck Fells.
Campylite crystals to 5 mm on 6 cm manganese oxide matrix, Dry Gill. Ex John Frederick Calvert (1825-1897) collection.
Campylite crystals to 5 mm on 6 cm manganese oxide matrix, Dry Gill. Ex John Frederick Calvert (1825-1897) collection.
Red mimetite crystals to approximately 6 mm on quartz. Drygill, Caldbeck Fells.
Red mimetite crystals to approximately 6 mm on quartz. Drygill, Caldbeck Fells.
Mimetite var campylite in crystals to approximately 6 mm with romanechite. Drygill, Caldbeck Fells.
Mimetite var campylite in crystals to approximately 6 mm with romanechite. Drygill, Caldbeck Fells.
Detail of Brandy Gill coated stolzite, a 2 mm tabular tetragonal crystal coated in microquartz and iron oxy-hydroxides
Detail of Brandy Gill coated stolzite, a 2 mm tabular tetragonal crystal coated in microquartz and iron oxy-hydroxides
Green apatite prisms to 1 cm in calcite, 65 mm specimen. Carrock Mine, Carrock Fell.
Green apatite prisms to 1 cm in calcite, 65 mm specimen. Carrock Mine, Carrock Fell.
Pharmacosiderite crystals, Burdell Gill, Coombe Height, Caldbeck Fells, Cumbria, England.
Pharmacosiderite crystals, Burdell Gill, Coombe Height, Caldbeck Fells, Cumbria, England.
Pharmacosiderite crystals to 1 mm on 43 mm matrix. Burdell Gill, Caldbeck Fells, Cumbria, UK.
Pharmacosiderite crystals to 1 mm on 43 mm matrix. Burdell Gill, Caldbeck Fells, Cumbria, UK.
Pharmacosiderite crystals to 1 mm on 5 cm matrix. Burdell Gill, Caldbeck Fells, Cumbria, UK.
Pharmacosiderite crystals to 1 mm on 5 cm matrix. Burdell Gill, Caldbeck Fells, Cumbria, UK.
Spheroids and crystals of adamite (perhaps zincolivenite) on 25 mm specimen, Driggith Mine, Caldbeck Fells, Cumbria.
Spheroids and crystals of adamite (perhaps zincolivenite) on 25 mm specimen, Driggith Mine, Caldbeck Fells, Cumbria.
Adamite (or possibly zincolivenite) detail, Driggith Mine.
Adamite (or possibly zincolivenite) detail, Driggith Mine.
Phillipsburgite, 5 cm specimen from Driggith Mine, Caldbeck Fells, Cumbria.
Phillipsburgite, 5 cm specimen from Driggith Mine, Caldbeck Fells, Cumbria.
Phillipsburgite, detail of 5 cm specimen from Driggith Mine, Caldbeck Fells, Cumbria.
Phillipsburgite, detail of 5 cm specimen from Driggith Mine, Caldbeck Fells, Cumbria.
Rosasite with hemimorphite, Roughton Gill Mine, 40 x 30 x 22 mm
Rosasite with hemimorphite, Roughton Gill Mine, 40 x 30 x 22 mm
Beudantite  with carminite, detail of 2 cm specimen. Deer Hills, Caldbeck Fells, Cumbria.
Beudantite with carminite, detail of 2 cm specimen. Deer Hills, Caldbeck Fells, Cumbria.
Scorodite on arsenopyrite with pyrite and quartz, 65 mm specimen. Brandy Gill, Mosedale, Cumbria.
Scorodite on arsenopyrite with pyrite and quartz, 65 mm specimen. Brandy Gill, Mosedale, Cumbria.
Carminite crystals on scorodite, 28 mm specimen. Deer Hills Mine, Caldbeck Fells, Cumberland.
Carminite crystals on scorodite, 28 mm specimen. Deer Hills Mine, Caldbeck Fells, Cumberland.
Corkite, 24 mm specimen. Iron Crag, Caldbeck Fells, Cumberland.
Corkite, 24 mm specimen. Iron Crag, Caldbeck Fells, Cumberland.
54 mm specimen of plumbogummite with mimetite. Dry Gill Mine, Caldbeck Fells. ex Pearl Freeman.
54 mm specimen of plumbogummite with mimetite. Dry Gill Mine, Caldbeck Fells. ex Pearl Freeman.
Plumbogummite with mimetite and hollandite, 5 cm specimen, DryGill Mine, Caldbeck Fells, Cumbria. ex. T. Nikischer.
Plumbogummite with mimetite and hollandite, 5 cm specimen, DryGill Mine, Caldbeck Fells, Cumbria. ex. T. Nikischer.
Plumbogummite blue detail. Dry Gill.
Plumbogummite blue detail. Dry Gill.
Plumbogummite microcrystals in sparkling druse with rice grain mimetite crystals, 2 cm. Dry Gill Mine, Caldbeck Fells, Cumbria
Plumbogummite microcrystals in sparkling druse with "rice grain" mimetite crystals, 2 cm. Dry Gill Mine, Caldbeck Fells, Cumbria
Plumbogummite epimorphic on tabular tetragonal stolzite crystals, 72 x 50 x 32 mm, Roughton Gill Mine
Plumbogummite epimorphic on tabular tetragonal stolzite crystals, 72 x 50 x 32 mm, Roughton Gill Mine
Scheelite crystals to 1 cm with muscovite and quartz. Carrock Mine, Caldbeck Fells.
Scheelite crystals to 1 cm with muscovite and quartz. Carrock Mine, Caldbeck Fells.
Scheelite crystals to 1 cm with muscovite and quartz. Carrock Mine, Caldbeck Fells.
Scheelite crystals to 1 cm with muscovite and quartz. Carrock Mine, Caldbeck Fells.
Crystal model for the Carrock scheelite illustrated here (using
Crystal model for the Carrock scheelite illustrated here (using
1867 Carrock specimen of scheelite with muscovite quartz and wolframite, from Bryce McMurdo Wright Snr
1867 Carrock specimen of scheelite with muscovite quartz and wolframite, from Bryce McMurdo Wright Snr
1867 Carrock specimen of scheelite with muscovite quartz and wolframite, from Bryce McMurdo Wright
1867 Carrock specimen of scheelite with muscovite quartz and wolframite, from Bryce McMurdo Wright
Crystal model for Bryce Wright 1867 scheelite, Carrock Fell
Crystal model for Bryce Wright 1867 scheelite, Carrock Fell
19th century Carrock Fell scheelite crystals
19th century Carrock Fell scheelite crystals
Wolframite blades to 5 cm in 9 cm quartz matrix. Carrock Mine, Caldbeck Fells, Cumbria, UK.
Wolframite blades to 5 cm in 9 cm quartz matrix. Carrock Mine, Caldbeck Fells, Cumbria, UK.
Mattheddleite (a rare lead nesosilicate) crystals with leadhillite, Roughton Gill, Caldbeck Fells, Cumbria.
Mattheddleite (a rare lead nesosilicate) crystals with leadhillite, Roughton Gill, Caldbeck Fells, Cumbria.
Blue hemimorphite, 8 cm, Roughton Gill, Caldbeck Fells, Cumbria.
Blue hemimorphite, 8 cm, Roughton Gill, Caldbeck Fells, Cumbria.
Hemimorphite, 45 mm x 40 mm x 25 mm, Roughton Gill Mine, ex Cedric Rogers (author books on rocks and minerals).
Hemimorphite, 45 mm x 40 mm x 25 mm, Roughton Gill Mine, ex Cedric Rogers (author books on rocks and minerals).
Beaverite Brandy Gill
Beaverite Brandy Gill