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marko gregoric | all galleries >> BIRDS - PTICE >> Phoenicopteriformes (Plamenci) > Phoenicopterus ruber - Plamenec - Greater flamingo
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Phoenicopterus ruber - Plamenec - Greater flamingo


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Hennie & Lies Lammers28-May-2012 20:43
Great capture ! V
janescottcumming25-Apr-2012 01:27
Amazing pose and light! V
Lieve Snellings24-Apr-2012 13:53
very beautiful Marko ! V
Dennis Hoyne24-Apr-2012 02:55
You captured this one in a fantastic pose, well done!
Jean D23-Apr-2012 19:44
Gorgeous capture of this tall flamingo. Well done Marko. ~V
Tom LeRoy23-Apr-2012 09:21
Like a ballerina! A very beautiful pose and a great shot of a gorgeous bird!V!
Irene Wehrli23-Apr-2012 08:23
Great capture - love the pose!
Milan Vogrin23-Apr-2012 06:23
Nice catch and pose.
bill friedlander22-Apr-2012 22:33
Great timing for the pose, its a fine looking bird tough. V
Jim Coffman22-Apr-2012 21:51
Very fine capture,Marko!
Karen Stuebing22-Apr-2012 21:45
Love the pose too. Beautiful delicate color and detail. V.
Maja Waiss22-Apr-2012 20:49
Great! V
hge5422-Apr-2012 20:49
Love the long vertical composition. V
Mike H.22-Apr-2012 20:40
A comical pose; well caught, Marko.
Helen Betts22-Apr-2012 20:04
Perfect timing, Marko, and great color as well. V.
Colin Storey22-Apr-2012 18:53
Fantastic with that pose. v
Martin Lamoon22-Apr-2012 17:50
A quite humours shot. V
joseantonio22-Apr-2012 17:29
Very nice capture and lovely pose
Irena Jurecic22-Apr-2012 17:09
Beautiful bird and wonderful composition. V
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