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marko gregoric | all galleries >> BIRDS - PTICE >> Phoenicopteriformes (Plamenci) > Phoenicopterus ruber - Plamenec - Greater flamingo
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Phoenicopterus ruber - Plamenec - Greater flamingo


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Carl H. Johnson29-May-2012 12:54
Looks like a running take off!!!~V~
Claude Gagnon27-May-2012 12:35
Great action shot :))
Maja Waiss24-Jan-2012 23:53
Milan Vogrin24-Jan-2012 13:09
Very nice action!V!
CM Kwan24-Jan-2012 10:02
This is very nice, Marko! V
NealyBob24-Jan-2012 07:32
Excellent shot of these beautiful Famingos~!V
pierreratte24-Jan-2012 04:23
Nice capture Marko, great action,
Lieve Snellings24-Jan-2012 02:02
wonderful ! V
Sheila24-Jan-2012 01:45
Very nicely captured !
laine24-Jan-2012 01:17
marvelous motion Marko!!
coaster23-Jan-2012 22:45
Cool capture!
Karen Stuebing23-Jan-2012 22:24
Love those long legs and the capture of this one running through the water. Beautiful. V.
Range View 23-Jan-2012 21:52
Fantastic capture with excellent timing and great detail.
Colin Storey23-Jan-2012 20:56
Fantastic image, great timing and details. v
Ronny Van Eeckhoutte23-Jan-2012 20:39

Jim Coffman23-Jan-2012 19:34
A great action shot,Marko!
Guest 23-Jan-2012 19:12
Superb to catch this action and that splash, A real National Geographic image of the fenicotteri (Italian word for flamingos -- so close to the Latin!)
Guest 23-Jan-2012 18:44
excellent timing, looks so fragile.
Patricia Kay23-Jan-2012 17:14
Perfect timing Marko...Great shot...BV
Michal Leszczynski23-Jan-2012 16:29
Great capture of these flamingos and their poses, beautiful photo. V.
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