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marko gregoric | all galleries >> BIRDS - PTICE >> Phoenicopteriformes (Plamenci) > Phoenicopterus ruber - Plamenec - Greater flamingo
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June 2009

Phoenicopterus ruber - Plamenec - Greater flamingo


other sizes: small medium large original auto
Carl H. Johnson29-May-2012 12:51
What a first glance I thought I was at an airshow!!!~V~
Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)27-May-2012 16:17
Beautiful Shot & Comp V!!
Tom LeRoy24-Jan-2012 07:47
Fabulous flight shot, what a formation! V
Lieve Snellings23-Jan-2012 05:06
wowww like rackets flying into the sky... V
Webman0627-Dec-2010 07:45
A great flight, bravo.
Guest 22-Dec-2010 12:26
Great ! v !
marie10-Dec-2010 11:55
how beautiful , in every way

the real thing .... a flock of 'red arrows'
Aivar Mikko09-Dec-2010 19:33
Very nice!
Guest 08-Dec-2010 15:08
Nice shot.
norbi07-Dec-2010 18:00
Great shot of these flamingos contrasting agains the blue sky. v. norbi
James Clarke07-Dec-2010 14:06
Excellent shot of this formation. BV
Dafna07-Dec-2010 13:51
Wow,, Great capture. V
veraferia07-Dec-2010 13:43
In perfect harmonious!
Jim Coffman07-Dec-2010 13:39
Amazing capture with excellent composition! V
silvia marmori07-Dec-2010 12:27
ohh, such instant.. flamingo's army ready!
René Gysi07-Dec-2010 11:00
Great flight formation! V
Blandine Mangin07-Dec-2010 09:33
superb ! v
Milan Vogrin07-Dec-2010 08:15
Very nice flight shot!V!
Zoltán Balogh07-Dec-2010 08:03
A terrific formation Marko, beautifully captured! V
Irene Wehrli07-Dec-2010 07:57
What a shot - they are like arrows!
Guest 07-Dec-2010 06:10
Beautiful flight shot
Dominic Cantin07-Dec-2010 05:48
Superb image Marko 8) I like the position of the birds in the frame !

Dom :)
Gerard Koehl07-Dec-2010 05:38
Magnifique envolée. V
Tom Munson07-Dec-2010 05:16
Terrific shot, Marko! Sharp and perfectly exposed.
Knox O07-Dec-2010 05:14
most excellent !
Guest 07-Dec-2010 05:03
An impeccable composition and colors! My compliments! Bravo ~V
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