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Alexander Kazakov09-Dec-2024 12:37
Terrific! V
Bill Klein03-Dec-2024 01:58
Brilliant work of art, Graeme! BBV!
Jean Chiasson24-Nov-2024 12:18
Beautiful scene and presentation Graeme V
Tom LeRoy23-Nov-2024 19:53
Great presentation and perfect processing to bring us back in time. v
globalgadabout23-Nov-2024 19:12
a richly evocative scene...perhaps an old ironworker's studio..certainly well-wrought treatment..
Kevin D Warren23-Nov-2024 12:34
A fine composition and so nicely processed.
Dan Greenberg23-Nov-2024 01:40
Super cool and well done! ~BV~
Dan Opdal23-Nov-2024 01:21
I love this, so much to look at. Superb! V
janescottcumming22-Nov-2024 22:02
I have to show this to my husband, he would love seeing all those old tools. Great processing. V
Walter Otto Koenig21-Nov-2024 21:52
Excellent with this processing work and choice of tones. "V"
Fabienne21-Nov-2024 20:38
C’est superbe avec tous ces détails.
Tom Munson21-Nov-2024 17:18
I love this, Graeme. Great capture.
Blandine Mangin21-Nov-2024 15:34
beautiful ! v
Boris Alexander Keller21-Nov-2024 12:19
Beautiful work. like from the old masters in Nuremberg! V
Jeff Real21-Nov-2024 11:09
You have done such a masterful job of making this so striking!
Dennis Hoyne21-Nov-2024 03:25
Wow! He's got all the tools of the trade at hand. A wonderfu vintage image.
larose forest photos21-Nov-2024 03:08
Love this! A nostalgic look back into the past. great processing! VV
Hank Vander Velde21-Nov-2024 01:41
Excellent bit of history well captured and well presented in sepia.
Helen Betts21-Nov-2024 01:36
Great shot out of the distant past. V.
Julie Oldfield21-Nov-2024 00:53
That is fantastic! V
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