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Photomatix Pro 4.2 HDR

Whitby, North Yorkshire

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bill friedlander05-Aug-2012 15:17
Lovely tones and textures, and nice arched windows. Great job of processing. V
Vickie BROWN01-Aug-2012 09:27
May I order a lobster please, Graeme. V
Rosemarie Kusserow18-Jul-2012 13:47
Fantastic colors and details, beautiful image! V
Rosemarie :o)
larose forest photos14-Jul-2012 18:52
Exceptional photo! I think the fact that there is more white on this building, when so many are that lovely golden stone, makes it stand out very well, especially with that lovely framing. VV
Manas Khan14-Jul-2012 15:54
This one is amazing! V
Frank Kavanagh Photography14-Jul-2012 15:46
Fabulous shot Graeme, love the treatment on this beauty.V.
Fong Lam14-Jul-2012 08:33
Beautiful shot this lovely restaurant in pano mode, Graeme..V
Martin Lamoon14-Jul-2012 04:52
Whitby if I remember! great shot and presentation. V
Dan Greenberg14-Jul-2012 04:29
Hadleys should hire you to do their advertising photos, Graeme. I would like to go there just from seeing your cool image of it. ~BV~
joseantonio14-Jul-2012 04:26
Seems a lovely place for lunch. Great work on in
SLC_Images14-Jul-2012 03:58
Nicely taken once again!
Guest 14-Jul-2012 02:01
Excellent work. V.
woody3413-Jul-2012 23:55
Great composition and I love the treatment..V
Helen Betts13-Jul-2012 23:28
I quite like the curvature here as well as the framing. Excellent as always, Graeme. V.
Gary Hebert13-Jul-2012 22:00
very creative HDR scene Graeme... V.
Buba Jafarli13-Jul-2012 21:45
Superb compo and treatment, Graeme! V.
Stephanie13-Jul-2012 21:27
Seafood! Yum!!!! V
Jim Coffman13-Jul-2012 21:22
Another fine image for your book!! :))
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