This month is two months. Pretty sneaky, huh? I ran a bit late for July, so I'm showing those images as well as the August images. Oh, "SC" is Silver City, NM, "CW" is CatWalk NM State Park.
July images are from Catwalk State Park in Southwestern New Mexico. Fasinating little park. The site was an old mining operation. The silver/gold/? was at the top of a river gorge/canyon. The river was pretty uppity and demanded that travel up and down the canyon not be at bottom. The company built catwalks along the sides of the canyon to get men, ore and equipment back and forth. The mining is gone, but the catwalks have been a constant source of adventure and pleasure for hikers ever since. Almost all the original catwalks have been replaced by safer modern ones, but its still a great park.
For August, I'm showing images from "downtown" Silver City, NM. Actually, this is the old (read: inexpensive) part of Silver and as such, has become sort of an art district. Lots of interesting bits and pieces to catch the eye of a photographer of abstracts, funk and junk (FunkAndJunk R Us).