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David Blanchard | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent tree view | thumbnails

I was a slacker colored pencil artist before digital photography came along. Since I was a teen I had always enjoyed photography and been semi-serious many times over the years, but was always stymied by the requirements of keeping a chemical darkroom alive. Digital photography has put a darkroom on my desk and a big dent in my wallet. I love it.

The reality of a scene is important to me, but I am not a journalist. I look for situations where subject, form, context, and color come together in unusual ways. I hope my images are something you want to see and put on your wall. Enjoy.

Prints: It is my goal that my work end up on your wall, therefore, my prints are very reasonably priced. Contact me at to "invest". Limited editions may be available in mat sizes 12x16 or larger. Framing available, but you would be smartest to buy a fresh or matted print and frame it yourself. All my prints are matted in common sizes making that an easy thing to do. Another option is to request a big framed canvas print.

DavidOB (send e-mail to

2018 Galleries
gallery: 2018 Galleries
2017 Galleries
gallery: 2017 Galleries
2016 Galleries
gallery: 2016 Galleries
2015 - Best
gallery: 2015 - Best
2014 - Best
gallery: 2014 - Best
2013 - Best
gallery: 2013 - Best
2012 Best
gallery: 2012 Best
2011 Best
gallery: 2011 Best
2010 Best
gallery: 2010 Best
2009 Best
gallery: 2009 Best
BIG Archive Galleries 2004-2008
gallery: BIG Archive Galleries 2004-2008
Group Shoots
gallery: Group Shoots
gallery: Music
Field Cars
gallery: Field Cars
Fast Lanes
gallery: Fast Lanes
Experiments and Commercial
gallery: Experiments and Commercial
gallery: Landscapes
Plants and Flowers
gallery: Plants and Flowers
gallery: People
gallery: Abstract
gallery: Structures
gallery: Travels
gallery: Events