Angled Castor, Ariadne ariadne |
Ariadne specularia |
Atlas mot, 27 cm wingspan. |
Loepa sikkima, Golden emperor moth |
Loepa sikkima, Golden emperor moth, 7 cm. |
Hummingbird hawkmoth, Macroglossum belis |
Hummingbird hawkmoth, Macroglossum belis |
Hummingbird hawkmoth, Macroglossum belis |
Papilio polytes romulus, female |
Common rose, Pachliopta aristolochiae, Udon Thani-Kumpawapi |
Common tiger, Danaus genutia |
Common tiger, Danaus genutia |
Kleine monarch - plain tiger |
Kleine monarch - plain tiger |
Clipper |
Common cruiser, female ( male is orange ) |
Common cruiser, male |
Red-base jezebel, Delias pasithoe |
Delias acalis ,Red-breast Jezebel |
Dodona deodata |
Dodona deodata |
Doleschallia bisaltide, autumn leaf |
Kallima inachus,Orange oakleaf closed |
Orange oakleaf open, Kallima inachus |
Dark blue tiger, Tirumala septentrionis septentrionis |
Tirumala septentrionis septentrionis |
Euploea mulciber |
Euploea mulciber, female |
Fritillary spec. |
Ideopsis similis |
Ideopsis similis |
Striped blue crow, Euploea mulciber female |
Tailed Jay |
Common red flash |
Dragontail, lamproptera curius |
Dragontail, Lamproptera meges |
Green dragontail |
Green dragontail |
Map butterfly |
Chersonesia risa |
Yamfly, Loxura atymnus |
Fluffy tit |
Common imperial, Cheritra freja |
White imperial |
Lemon emigrant |
Left, Eurema silmulatrix, right, Gandaca harina |
Butterflies, Appias lyncida and Cepora nerissa |
Right, orange gull, Cepora ludith - Left, Eurema andersonii |
Orange gull, Cepora ludith |
Appias olferna, female |
Hypolimnas bolina, form incommoda, female |
Hypolimnas misippus, male |
Donaid egg-fly, Hypolimnas misippus, female |
As previous |
Acraea violae |
Acraea violae |
Taracus callinara |
Euthalia monina kesava, female |
Papilio polytes |
Lemon pansy |
Peacock pansy |
Blue pansy, Junonia orithya |
Yellow pansy Junonia hierta |
Grey pansy |
Hypolycaena erylus |
Hypolycaena erylus |
Jamides alecto, Metallic Cerulean female |
Metallic Cerulean, male |
Chilasa clytia |
Odontoptilum angulatum |
polyura delphis |
Polyura nepenthes |
polyura athamos, common nawab |
Indian yellow nawap, Polyura jalysus |
Blue bottle, Graphium sarpedon |
Troides helena cerberus |
Troides aeacus |
Troides aeacus,female |
Lime butterfly, Papilio demoleus |
Papilio clytia form dissimilis |
Papilio clytia form dissimilis |
Neptis hylas |
Athyma nefte |
Mooreana trichoneura |
Tanaecia cocytus |
Hypolimnas bolina |
Great mormon, Papilio memnon |
Great mormon, Papilio memnon |
Papilio memnon |
Papilio memnon, female |
Euploea mulciber, male |
Moduza procris "Commander" |
Knight |
Lexias pardalis, female |
Papilio paris |
Paris peacock |
Pantoporia hordonia |
Rustic eye moth, Spirama helicina |
Moth, Erebus ephesperis |
Great Owl moth, Erebus macrops, 9 cm wing span |
Erebus macrops |
Bat moth, Lyssa zampa, 12 cm wing span |
Orange lacewing, Cethosia methypsea |
Orange lacewing, Cethosia metypsea |
Leopard lacewing, Cethosia cyane |
Hebomoia glaucippe |
Giant Arum hawkmoth, Theretra nessus |
Mocis frugalis (Catocalinae) |
Mocis undata (Catocalinae) |
Amata fortunei (Arctiinae) |
Moth |
Aloa lactinea (Arctiinae) |
Parasa darma (Limacodidae) |
Campylotes histrionicus (Zygaenidae) |
Heortia sp. |
Filodes fulvidorsalis (Crambidae) |
As previous |
research |
Moth 12mm |
Barsine ustrina |
Moths |
Sympis rufibasis |
Hypena cidarioides (Hypeninae) |
Epipaschiinae sp. undescribed (Crambidae) |
Episparina tortuosalis (Catocalinae) |
Numenes siletti (Lymantriinae) |
Cariola ecnomoda (Lymantriinae) |
Corma sp. (Zygaenidae) |
Herpetogramma cyanarale (Crambidae) |
Moth 16 |
Yellow leopard moths, Dysphania militaris |
Yellow leopard moth, Dysphania militaris |
Dysphania militaris |
Dysaethria lilacina (Uraniidae) |
Moth 18 |
Moth 19 |
Ovipennis binghami (Arctiinae) |
Pulotes cf. flavescens |
Pachynoa thoosalis (Crambidae) |
Moth 23 |
Moth 24 |
Pagyda salvalis (Crambidae) |
Talanga nympha (Crambidae) |
Moth 27 |
Moth 28 |
Moth 29 |
Eurapteroides astheniata |
Cerix sp. (Arctiinae) |
Agrotera basinotata (Crambidae) |
Moth 33 |
Eucyclodes semialba (Geometridae) |
Moth 35 |
Maruca vitrata (Crambidae) |
Aedia acronyctoides (Catocalinae) |
Pachinoa Thoosalis (Crambidae) |
Moth 40 |
Miltochrista dentifascia (Arctiinae) |
Moth 42 |
Heortia vitessoides (Crambidae) |
Moth 44 |
Moth 45 |
Moth |
Moth |
Moth |
Moth |
Moth 6 cm |
Moth 6 cm |
Moth |
Moth |
Moth |
Godonela eleonora (Geometridae) |
moth |
Glyphodes caesalis (Crambidae) |
Ercheia cyllaria (catocalinae) |
Moth 49 |
Moth 50 |
Moth 50 |
Moth 52 |
Cyana coccinea (Arctiinae) |
Spotted cyana, Cyana sp. |
Skipper, Potanthus omaha |
Skipper, Telicota colon |
Skipper,Potanthus confusius |
Skipper, Udaspes folus |
Swinhoe's ace, Halpe burmana |
Grass demon |
Tawny rajah, Charaxes bernardus |
Drinking butterflies |
Common jay |
Black and white helen and common mormon |
Unknown moth |
Zemeros flegyas |
Godonela eleonora (Geometridae) |
Junglequeen, Stichopthalma louisa |
Junonia almana |
Arhopala nicevillei |
Blue Butterfly, Parantica melaneus |
Parantica sita |
Parantica aspasia |
Sucking minerals on the riverbank, Papilio demoleus |
Birdwing sucking minerals on the riverbank, Pachliopta aristolochiae |
Puddling, Catopsilia pomona |
Graphium agamemnon |
Foreground, Fourbar swordtail |
Left, Fivebar swordtail |
Great Windmill, Byasa dasarada |
Black rajah on shit |
Common archduke, male |
Gommon archduke, left is female, right is male |
Common archduke, female |
Yellow rajah |
Yellow rajah |
Yellow rajah |
Black rajah |
Silver forget-me-not, Catochrysops panormus |
Zebra Blue, Leptotus plinius |
Peablue, Lampides boeticus |
Prosotos gracilis |
Acytolepis puspa |
Tongela potanini |
Indian purple emperor |
Butterflies on urine |
Butterflies on urine |
Puddling butterflies |
Rustic, Cupha erymanthis |
Mycalesis gotama |
Mycalesis perseus, Bushbrown |
Mycalesis intermedia |
Mycalesis mineus |
Bamboo forester, Lethe kansa |
Laos bushbrown |
Small grass jewel, Freyeria putli |
Spindasis vulcanus |
Spindasis vulcanus |
Tagiades menaka |
Tagiades litigiosus |
Ypthima huebneri |
Ypthima watsoni |
Moth, Peridrome orbicularis |
No ID |
Burara amara |
Badamia exclamationis |
Hasora taminatus |
Puddling butterflys and Yellow orangetip |
No I.D. |
Yellow awlet |
No ID |
Nam Nao Moth no ID. |
Spanner, no ID |