Art of nature, Entada rheedii |
Art of nature, Entada rheedii |
Liana in flower |
Liana in flower |
Aristolochia macrophylla, Phu Khang |
Arum |
Arum fruits |
Arum no id |
Arum sp. |
Ceropegia cochleata |
Ceropegia cochleata |
Datura spec. |
Phallus, very dark environment |
Phallus close |
Phallus |
Phallus |
Phallus |
Phallus plant 1.5 meter |
Red cone |
Wild ginger, Zingiber sp. |
Wild ginger, zingiber sp. |
Wild ginger |
Wild ginger |
Wild ginger |
Wild ginger red |
Wild ginger red |
Wild ginger white |
Wild ginger |
Ginger fam. |
Parasite on tree |
Parasite on tree |
Clitorea ternatea |
Coffea arabica (coffee) |
Dendrophtheo neelgherrensis |
Dendrophtheo neelgherrensis |
Hymenocallis sp. |
Crinum asiaticum var. splendens |
Crinum sp. Na heaw, 900 mtr. 20-25 celcius |
Crinum sp. |
Liliaceae in swamp at 1200 meters |
Liliaceae sp. 6 cm |
Gagea sp. 1 cm |
Gagea sp. 1 cm |
Liliaceae sp. 5 cm |
Liliaceae sp. 5 cm |
Plateau at 1200 mtr. with liliaceae, heavy rain and 12 celcius |
Drosera indica |
Drosera indica |
Drosera indica |
Drosera burmannii |
Drosera burmannii, Udon prov. |
Drosera pygmaea |
Drosera porrecta |
Turning green |
Durian |
Gloriosa superba |
Cuscata chinensis |
No ID, Pirola sp. ??? |
Helyconia sp. |
Helyconia sp. |
Heliconia sp. |
Holy flower, Calotropis gigantea |
Holy flower, Calotropis gigantea, white variety used for praising Budha |
Calotropis gigantea for sale |
Althaea sp. |
Wild hybiscus sp. |
Wild flower |
Killer tree, Ficus benghalensis |
Hertshoornvarens, Staghorn |
Lotus |
Lotus |
moss |
Moss |
Passiflora foetida |
Ricefield aquatic flower |
Ricefield aquatic flower |
Utricularia sp. |
Utricularia sp. |
Utricularia sp. |
Utricularia sp. |
Vallaris glabra |
Wild fruit. |
Wild balsam apple |
Stercula qaudrifida |
Orobanche uniflora ssp. |
Orobanche uniflora ssp. |
Orobanchaceae spec. |
Orobanchaceae sp. (Uniflora subsp.) |
Orobanche sp. parasite on Cymbidium |
Wild ginger |
Murdannia loriformis |
Wildflower |
wild flower |
Commelina benghalensis |
Wildflower, Celosia cristata |
Curcuma sp. |
Curcuma parviflora |
Curcuma domestica |
Curcuma alismatiflora |
Curcuma alismatiflora |
Curcuma |
Curcuma |
Curcuma group, Globba sp. Nam nao |
Curcuma group, Globba sp. Nam nao |
Curcuma group, Globba sp. Nam nao |
Curcuma group, Globba sp. Foi lom |
Curcuma group, Globba sp. Nam nao |
Curcuma group, Globba sp. |
Curcuma group, Globba sp. koinang |
Curcuma group, Globba sp. Nam nao |
White globba sp. Khao kho |
Curcuma-ginger group, Globba winittii |
Wild ginger in bloom, plant |
Wild ginger flowers, previous plant, Asarum family |
Wild Laos, Alpinia galanga |
Wild laos |
Bauhinia sp. |
Ginger flowers, 1500 meters |
Ginger flowers, 1500 meters |
White form of previous flower, very rare |
Plateau 1400 meters above sealevel |
Yellow form of previous flower, very rare |
Tamarind blossem |
Tree, sweet scent, Pterospernum sp. |
Peacock flower tree, Caesalpinia pulcherrima |
Tree, smell like old turtle |
Agapetes variegata, Ericaceae |
no ID |
Tree, male and female flowers |
Savanna plateau with Burmannia coelestris, 1600 mtr above sea level |
Burmannia coelestris |
Burmannia coelestris |
Gentiana sp. high montains upper north |
Gentiana sp. high montains upper north |
Gentiana spec. Chiang Dao montains |
Cactus fruit in culture |
Cactus fruit in culture |
Blossem |
Pomegranate blossem |
Red flower, Aesculus sp. |
Aesculus parviflora |
Butea monosperma, close, flowers 10 cm across |
Wild Kapok, flowers 12 cm |
Wild fig tree |
Yellow Silk-cotton tree, Cochlospernum gossypium, flowers 8 cm |
Tree in bloom, flowers 12 cm |
Temple tree, Couroupita guianensis, introduced from Brasil, flowers 15 cm |
Couroupita guianensis |
Couroupita guianensis, flower 8 - 12 cm |
Monky flower tree close-up, Phyllocarpus septentrionalis |
Pink blossem, Bauhinia sp. |
Bauhinia sp. previous picture |
Blossem, Lagerstromia speciosa |
Bauhinia purpurea, 11 cm |
Brachychiton sp. |
Liana |
Ficus bengalensis |
Trachycarpus sp. |
Eagle wood, Aquilaria agalocha, most expensive wood in the world |
Liana |
Schima tree |
Schima tree |
Banana, Musa sapientum |
Wild ginger |
Wild ginger |
Wild ginger |
Wild Laos plant |
Mucuna pruriens, close-up |
Mucuna pruriens, the magic beans |
Forrest floor |
Nymphaea pubescens |
Nymphaea pubescens, colony |
Utricularia spec. |
Nymphaea pubescens |
Nymphaea pubescens, white |
Nymphaea pubescens, white |
Bauhinia siamensis |
Bauhinia siamensis |
climbing plant, Passiflora vitifolia |
climbing plant, Passiflora vitifolia |
Graptophyllum exelsum |
Parasiet op oude Rhododendron en eik |
Parasiet op tropische eik, de knollen kunnen 20 kg wegen |
Rhododendron simsii |
Rhododendron simsii |
Rhododendron dendricola on Dipterocarpus costatus |
Rhododendron dendricola, close |
Dendrobium secundum in the shade of Platycerium bifurcatum |
Wild Hoya, Phu soi dao - Hoya austriaca |
Wild Hoya, Phu soi dao - Hoya austriaca |
Hartbladige hoya, Hoya cardiophylla |
Hoya engleriana, hanging down from the tree |
Hoya engleriana, highly endangered, hanging down from a tree flowers 1½ cm across |
Hoya multiflora |
Hoya multiflora, highly endangered in the wild |
Strongylodon macrobotrys |
Strongylodon macrobotrys |
Strongylodon macrobotrys |
Nepenthes |
Polygonatum spec. |
Regenboog Eucalyptus, E.deglupta |
Regenboog Eucalyptus, E.deglupta |
Regenboog Eucalyptus, E. deglupta |
Lilium primulinum var. burmanicum, habitat 1400 mtr. |
Lilium primulinum var.burmanicum, height more than 2 mtr. |
Lilium primulinum var. burmanicum |
Lilium primulinum var. burmanicum |
Euonymus spec. |