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Regine L. | all galleries >> Fall Foliage >> Inbox - Odds and Ends >> special_occasions__holidays > A German Christmas Market in New Jersey
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04-Dec-2021 Regine L.

A German Christmas Market in New Jersey

Sussex County Fairgrounds, Augusta, New Jersey

We had a great time visiting this "Weihnachtsmarkt". We went during early afternoon on Saturday hoping to beat heavy traffic, but it wasn't going to be. There was plenty of parking, but the access roads were backed up. This Christmas market had been moved from a small downtown to a fairground, and still there was congestion.

Canon PowerShot G3 X
1/100s f/4.0 at 14.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
danad05-Dec-2021 10:12
A nice tradition !
joseantonio05-Dec-2021 06:04
In most of Europe the Christmas markets have been canceled.V.
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