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Regine L. | profile | all galleries >> Fall Foliage >> Inbox - Odds and Ends tree view | thumbnails | slideshow | map

Inbox - Odds and Ends

Pictures that don't fit in the other galleries, but are worthwhile posting, in my opinion.
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Shasta daisies and painted ladies butterflies
Shasta daisies and "painted ladies" butterflies
Tracks of the Emerald Ashborer
Tracks of the Emerald Ashborer
Moon Jelly Fish
Moon Jelly Fish
 Butterfly  Luncheon
Butterfly Luncheon
IMG_8320 (1).JPG
IMG_8320 (1).JPG
Endive chicory - Cichorium endivia L.
Endive chicory - Cichorium endivia L.
Oak leaves and a cluster of acorns
Oak leaves and a cluster of acorns
Queen Ann Lace sourrounded by Bergamot Flowers
Queen Ann Lace sourrounded by Bergamot Flowers
Hot Hazy Humid - Summer in New Jersey - Nymphaea odorata
Hot Hazy Humid - Summer in New Jersey - Nymphaea odorata
Taking flight
Taking flight
Fawn - a week old - in our backyard
Fawn - a week old - in our backyard
It wasn't me who built it - I just took the picture after comletion.
It wasn't me who built it - I just took the picture after comletion.
Sunset Beach, Cape May, at the proper time.
Sunset Beach, Cape May, at the proper time.
Tiger lilies blooming on our deck. Lilium lancifolium
Tiger lilies blooming on our deck. Lilium lancifolium
Rutherfurd Hall
Rutherfurd Hall
Yellow pond lilies - Nuphar lutea
Yellow pond lilies - Nuphar lutea
Robin hatchling 4 weeks old.
Robin hatchling 4 weeks old.
Four week old robin hatchlings
Four week old robin hatchlings
Poor bear is cold.
Poor bear is cold.
Two young American robin hatchlings waiting for food
Two young American robin hatchlings waiting for food
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