GD Flemming | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent | tree view | thumbnails |
I have three passions in life, all starting with "S".
I started SCUBA Diving in 1973, moved to the coast of Atlantic Canada in 1975
and discovered the Caribbean in 1976. With multiple certifications and
over 1000 dives under my weight belt, I'm pretty comfortable in the water
element. I've also done enough underwater photography to know how to
get a presentable image, but I do miss my old Nikonos.
In 1975 I also started Snow Skiing, both cross-country and alpine. I
really enjoy it, cross-country from my doorstep, and downhill in North
America and Europe.
The third "S" is Sea Kayaking. This is a new (for me) hobby that I didn't take up until 1994. With the Atlantic Ocean 25 minutes away, it's a natural.