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Journal 2024

A velvet hand muff almost done
A velvet hand muff almost done
Cattails and Colors
Cattails and Colors
The turkeys are here
The turkeys are here
Monster pop
Monster pop
Doing very well
Doing very well
A tiny bit of sunrise
A tiny bit of sunrise
Okay, no more after this
Okay, no more after this
Hey this was cheaper than...
Hey this was cheaper than...
Happy to see this re-blooming
Happy to see this re-blooming
Soaked and dried
Soaked and dried
Squirrel to be set free
Squirrel to be set free
Given 'Heard and Impressed' -- auto-generated words
Given 'Heard and Impressed' -- auto-generated words
A lovely little patch of light
A lovely little patch of light
Just about done, this hot pad
Just about done, this hot pad
In progress
In progress
Black cats and shadows
Black cats and shadows
Not too bad!
Not too bad!
Trying out the new bread maker
Trying out the new bread maker
The sketch I started with
The sketch I started with
Embroidered patch (needs ironing!)
Embroidered patch (needs ironing!)
Embroidery almost done
Embroidery almost done
Aphrodite's Purple Nightie
Aphrodite's Purple Nightie
Hurry Up Spring (2)
Hurry Up Spring (2)
Hurry Up Spring
Hurry Up Spring
Where Did You Go
Where Did You Go
Ooh this was good
Ooh this was good
We visited Tower Hill Botanical Garden on Saturday
We visited Tower Hill Botanical Garden on Saturday
Chickpea, Onion, Turmeric/Sweetmeadow tea
Chickpea, Onion, Turmeric/Sweetmeadow tea
A lot of pine cones this year
A lot of pine cones this year
The new velvet yarn vestie
The new velvet yarn vestie
Citrosa Geranium
Citrosa Geranium
Got my good water made
Got my good water made
Lifevac -- also on hand here
Lifevac -- also on hand here
The snowstorm
The snowstorm
Hope we never need them, but...
Hope we never need them, but...
Morning Mode
Morning Mode
Visiting the cats today
Visiting the cats today
Tea box
Tea box
Thinking of springtime
Thinking of springtime
Looking for treats
Looking for treats
The moon is looking in
The moon is looking in
Yes! Wear those old stretch capri pants in winter, AND...
Yes! Wear those old stretch capri pants in winter, AND...
The Pine Cone Parade
The Pine Cone Parade
Tall Shadow
Tall Shadow
Whisper the cockatoo
Whisper the cockatoo
The Folks
The Folks
What Goes Up....
What Goes Up....
Sit here when you're feeling....
Sit here when you're feeling....
Chickpea & Onion Soup
Chickpea & Onion Soup
Slush, Slush, it thawed, I heard it calling my name...
Slush, Slush, it thawed, I heard it calling my name...
A bright and beautiful sky this morning
A bright and beautiful sky this morning
Here it is
Here it is