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Views from a trips to Hanoi and Ho Chih Minh City...
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g6/18/75718/3/72582973.ZISdt8KN.jpg g6/18/75718/3/72760104.p29i5RXe.jpg g6/18/75718/3/72514983.7g5j0uhC.jpg g6/18/75718/3/72607808.mNPBN2QY.jpg
Central Post Office entrance g6/18/75718/3/72531263.NCOHqray.jpg g6/18/75718/3/72554083.atFyW7Vq.jpg Propaganda...
v3/18/75718/3/51832222.DSC_1393.jpg g6/18/75718/3/72869908.RGTWQy6Q.jpg The tourist....... Corridor solace.........
v3/18/75718/3/48968692.DSC_3349.jpg Street corners...... Lenin's glory crowned Waiting.......
g3/18/75718/3/57286380.DSC_1071.jpg from within the streets...... Over the Mekong delta Lunch time.......
v3/18/75718/3/50750788.DSC_3710.jpg v3/18/75718/3/48403621.DSC_1271.jpg Temple of Literature Taking cover........
Urban crawl The Polite Pub Temple of Literature Retirement.....
Modernisation Boys playin' hookey Victory..... Remembering the past.....
Visiting Uncle Ho In the old quarter of town....... OK... right there......... Orders.........
Street scene Guarding Ho Chih Minh v3/18/75718/3/47734497.DSC_1131.jpg Temple of Literature
Resting...... Temple of Literature Hanoi Opera House Hanoi Opera House
Communist Party HQ v3/18/75718/3/48815524.DSC_1525.jpg Hanoi streets v3/18/75718/3/47291808.DSC_3633.jpg
v3/18/75718/3/47753805.DSC_1463.jpg Lenin sightseeing Hanoi Mural, Ho Lua Prison (Hanoi Hilton) Hanoi
Admiring Uncle Ho Urban squeeze Mural, Ho Lua Prison (Hanoi Hilton) Changing of guard
Hanoi Hanoi's St. Josephs Cathedral Mural, Ho Lua Prison (Hanoi Hilton) Mural, Ho Lua Prison (Hanoi Hilton)
Hanoi Legacy....... Hanoi suburbs