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Monastic Life in Luang Prabang

g1/18/75718/3/93900097.HCskvlfx.jpg Recreation the midst ... Wat Xiang Tong Family life.....
v3/18/75718/3/50746600.DSC_2404.jpg Wat Xiang Tong v3/18/75718/3/50796564.DSC_1643.jpg Vientiane v3/18/75718/3/51005432.DSC_1987.jpg
or somwhere....... Budding monk.........? Day off.......... in discussion...... Wat Xiang Tong..... closing moments
Artwork at  Wat Xiang Tong v3/18/75718/3/47852553.DSC_2851.jpg Entering the Royal Palace v3/18/75718/3/50705543.DSC_1922.jpg v3/18/75718/3/51799292.DSC_2901.jpg
Village market...... Artwork at  Wat Xiang Tong g4/18/75718/3/51880112.DSC_2908.jpg Tree of Life,  Wat Xiang Tong v3/18/75718/3/48760225.DSC_1912.jpg
Peak of Phusi Hill Laotian farbrics v3/18/75718/3/48807822.DSC_1955.jpg Solitaire....... Cafe
v3/18/75718/3/51384805.DSC_2146.jpg Twilight..... Door carving, Wat Xiang Tong Followers Cold, wet morning at the VillaSanti
Time and motion.......... Searching..... v3/18/75718/3/50604400.DSC_2340.jpg in lighter vein......... That Luang
Door carving, Wat Xiang Tong Peeking into Wat Xiang Tong v3/18/75718/3/47770303.DSC_3083.jpg Procession.... by the Mekong...
The boys ....... Sakkarine Road Market scene Against the grain... Travelling light...
v3/18/75718/3/47266950.DSC_2064.jpg Time out........ Wat Xiang Tong at sunset