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Fletcher Wildlife Garden | all galleries >> Galleries >> Dragonflies and damselflies (Odonata) of the FWG (3 galleries) > American emerald (Cordulia shurteleffi)
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10-MAY-2010 Christine Hanrahan

American emerald (Cordulia shurteleffi)

It was nice to see this dragonfly, especially as it was so cooperative! It is the second new species for our list this spring.

Although sunny, today was very brisk, chilly and windy. Despite that, a few butterflies and other insects were out. I saw three each of cabbage whites and red admirals, and two clouded sulphurs. Sweat bees, flesh flies, bumblebees, including red-banded, and various syrphids were also found. But certainly the cold and the strong winds held down activity.

Canon PowerShot SX10 IS
1/320s f/5.6 at 5.0mm iso100 full exif

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