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Francisco Villegas | all galleries >> Travels / Viajes >> My mom's backyard / El patio de mi mamá > Turtle / Morrocoy
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Turtle / Morrocoy


Sometimes I can't believe what can be found in my mom's backyard...

Olympus C-750UZ
1/200s f/7.0 at 10.9mm iso50 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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carol j. phipps08-Feb-2006 01:55
What a great portrait! Wonderful. Vote.
Buz Kiefer06-Feb-2006 23:21
Very nice close up with spot on detail.
Guy Bruyea04-Feb-2006 16:31
Great close-up! Looks like a neat backyard.
Herb 04-Feb-2006 13:39
Nice shot
wernere0104-Feb-2006 07:42
Seems you have to be careful within your mum´s backyard. A great shot with fantastic colours, light and shadows. You´ve captured this stunning face perfectly. voted
Peter Hollinger04-Feb-2006 04:51
What a face!
Guest 04-Feb-2006 04:49
Oh, Man! Very cool! :) Hi Mr. Turtle! :)