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Frimpong The Travelling Bear | all galleries >> Frimpong's trips 2004 -2012 >> Frimpong in Serbia & Montenegro - By Milos Markovic > Gardoš - a little hill in old Belgrade
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07-JUL-2008 Milos Markovic

Gardoš - a little hill in old Belgrade

Belgrade (Serbia)

Milos and I have started to discover Belgrade.
It was terribly hot again and both of us got practically sunburned .
At 17h it was officially 37 Celsius, it meant it was surely 40 in the streets. (For those of you who think in Fahrenheit, that's 104 Fahrenheit equaling 40 Celsius.) Almost nobody was outdoors except the two of us and a few occasional passers-by. We decided to travel by bicycle, but I clearly told Milos that I should not have pedalled at all, since I wanted to remain an alive and kicking bear, not a carpet!
We went to Zemun, a district of old Belgrade and went up to the hill called Gardoš.
Here I’m in front of the Gardoš tower, also called Millennium Tower, the major attraction in the neighbourhood.

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1/1000s f/4.5 at 8.0mm iso200 full exif

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sasha22110-Mar-2016 11:05
sasha22110-Mar-2016 11:05
Amazing architecture, I just love Belgrade! I visited Serbia a few years ago and remember I just fell in love with the buildings, food and people... I will definitely go back there again, maybe even this year. Zemun left a special impression on me, I remember I rented a small apartment near the Danube river, I think it was site that I used, i recommend this site, it is super easy.. Anyway, I cannot wait to go to Serbia again and have a little taste of cevapi :D
Máire Uí Mhaicín25-Jul-2008 18:56
Whew, that IS hot!