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28-Mar-2014 Frank Brault

Canton, Connecticut USA

I was getting in my car in a parking lot and noticed this colorful slick. The dark area, lower right, is from my open car door. I think it adds to the graphics.

I forgot I had the iso set so high, but I like the result.

Olympus OM-D EM-1 ,Best at original size.
1/4000s f/6.3 at 12.0mm iso12800 Raw/ PP full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
laine03-Apr-2014 20:43
It made an interesting shot, Frank. I like the grain which adds to the art effect
John Lamb29-Mar-2014 00:52
A shark swimming in the oil polluted ocean?
bill friedlander28-Mar-2014 23:16
Its a lovely abstract, Frank. Oil slicks are terrific for this sort of thing. V
Karen Stuebing28-Mar-2014 20:53
Makes a nice abstract and the colors are very unusual. V.
LynnH28-Mar-2014 20:48
A very cool abstract, Frank. But too bad that oil is going to get in the watershed. :) V