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Tommy Firebaugh | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent

Profile for Tommy Firebaugh
Name Tommy Firebaugh (joined 09-Jul-2003) (pbase supporter)
Username fotonuttommy
Location Roanoke, VA
Roanoke, VA
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View Galleries : Tommy Firebaugh has 26 galleries and 2334 images online.
These pages have been viewed a total of 702223 times.

View Guestbook : 8 messages. Most recent on 07-Apr-2020.

Message from Tommy Firebaugh
Tommy L. Firebaugh has 17 years of professional photography experience. While a member of the Virginia Professional Photographers Association (VPPA), Tommy earned the degree of Fellow of Photography (FP).

He and his wife Kathy, a talented and outstanding Decorative Painting Artist of her own, reside in the Bonsack area of the Roanoke Valley in beautiful southwest Virginia.

Tommy has been voted "Best Area Photographer" by the readers of the Roanoker Magazine eleven times since 1992, including most recently the year- 2005!

In addition to winning awards in local and regional arts and crafts shows, his work has been collected and is on display in numerous restaurants and businesses all over the world as well as being displayed in private residences.
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