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Tommy Firebaugh | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent tree view | thumbnails
Copyrite 2004 - Tommy L. Firebaugh Photography. <> Photographs not to be used without permission of Tommy L. Firebaugh. E-mail - <> Please also check out my website for scenes of Southwest Virginia - especially the Roanoke area at:
<>I hope you enjoy the photographs of the 50th Anniversary of the 2003 Miss Virginia Pageant as much as I did taking the photographs......... Comments are welcomed.....
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Thank You Jennifer Pitts - Miss Virginia 2002
:: Thank You Jennifer Pitts - Miss Virginia 2002 ::
Nancy Amanda Redd - Miss Virginia - 2003
:: Nancy Amanda Redd - Miss Virginia - 2003 ::
The Send-Off from Vinton, VA for the Next Miss America
:: The Send-Off from Vinton, VA for the Next Miss America ::
Roanoke, VA - The Transportation Museum
:: Roanoke, VA - The Transportation Museum ::
Tommy Turns 60 - Let's Have A Party
:: Tommy Turns "60" - Let's Have A Party ::
The Barger Reunion - August - 2004
:: The Barger Reunion - August - 2004 ::
The Firebaugh Reunion - August 21, 2004
:: The Firebaugh Reunion - August 21, 2004 ::
NW-NS Retiree Luncheon - October 20, 2004
:: NW-NS Retiree Luncheon - October 20, 2004 ::
The Firebaugh Reunion - 2005 edition
:: The Firebaugh Reunion - 2005 edition ::
Texas Tavern - Roanoke, VA - Celebrates 75 Years
:: Texas Tavern - Roanoke, VA - Celebrates 75 Years ::
 John Barger turns 80 while big sister Alice Firebaugh turns 88
::  John Barger turns 80 while big sister Alice Firebaugh turns 88 ::
 Roanoke, VA's Flood of November 4, 1985
::  Roanoke, VA's Flood of November 4, 1985 ::
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