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18-JUN-2018 Vern Rogers (fotabug fotos)

Our Handsome Grandson, Zach!

Last week we attended the graduation of our grandson, Zach. I remember the day when Carol and I picked up my father at the nursing home and took him to see his new great-grandson at home not far away. That was the last time I remember my father seeing Zach. Now that same one has graduated. How time flies!

Of course, as they grow up, we grow older, with prospects that I don't like. But life is precious and I value mine. What does the future hold? That question deserves and answer, and the only one I have found that makes sense is what the Bible offers, "Happy are the mild tempered, since they will inherit the earth." My life and love revolves around this wonderful earth, and my desire is to enjoy it restored to what it should be, not a world full of problems that we see today. This is my hope for my grandson and many more, including me! :)

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Ed Duverger20-Jun-2018 06:27
Congrats to Zach.Good portrait of handsome young man.
Dennis Hoyne20-Jun-2018 01:07
A precious portrait, and such a wonderful and thoughtful caption. V
joseantonio19-Jun-2018 18:43
very nice portrait.V.
Ruth Voorhis19-Jun-2018 17:59
Very nice portrait, Vern. He is indeed handsome.
Steve Thuman19-Jun-2018 15:49
They sure grow up fast don’t they!
Carter Creek19-Jun-2018 15:27
Excellent portrait, I am sure your father would be very proud of Zach.
parrothouse19-Jun-2018 15:17
A very nicely composed portrait Vern.
JSB PHOTOGRAPHS19-Jun-2018 14:51
Many blessings ahead, wonderful portrait Vern.
Walter Otto Koenig19-Jun-2018 14:35
Very nice portrait of him. I like his expression and eye contact.
Yvonne19-Jun-2018 10:31
A lovely portrait... it is wonderful watching them grow to fine adults in our lifetime
and we can always hope they have a great time ahead. v
danad19-Jun-2018 07:28
A superb portrait ! V.
Ed Ruttledge 19-Jun-2018 06:30
Good portrait - stunning look on this young person.

I suspect his gen will be spending much time and resources simply trying to patch over the result of our gen's excess and the cheap bravado we determined equalled "leadership."
Anitta19-Jun-2018 06:19
Such a wonderful image of your handsome grandson. V
Guest 19-Jun-2018 05:51
Love this picture dad!! It really shows off his eyes! We love you dad.
Jeanne Newman19-Jun-2018 05:23
Beautiful portrait filled with pathos and love. Well done!!
Laura Milholland19-Jun-2018 05:02
Such a handsome young man - wow, those blue eyes are awesome. You have captured a marvelous portrait here too, Vern.
v c bacon19-Jun-2018 04:59
Defintely a handsome dude! Maybe he takes after his Grandad!
Paul Milholland19-Jun-2018 02:44
Congrats to all concerned.
Bea.19-Jun-2018 02:25
A fine looking young man, and I hope he has a life as good as his Grandfather's, but times are changing, and way too quickly.
Wintermeer19-Jun-2018 02:13
Wintermeer19-Jun-2018 02:13
What a gorgeous pensive look and a very thoughtful caption- well done!
J Ponces19-Jun-2018 02:12
Very nice photo! Full of feelings! Unfortunately, the way or World is evolving, I can only say I wouldn't like to be in our Grandsons shoes... I have 2, and a 3 year old Son, and I really worry...
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