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17-JUN-2018 Vern Rogers (fotabug fotos)

Goodbye to Patrina

Our daughter, Angie, lost one of her horses just recently. Her name was Patrina. She was left on to be cared for by a friend, who didn't know horses. She had roamed freely in pastures, eating grass anytime she wanted. A horse's intake of grass needs to be controlled, so Patrina's health was not the best when Angie got her. But she had a good life here, having two other horses as companions. But her health issues got the best of her, and she was getting old besides. This all worked against her and she didn't pull through. Poor Angie, she takes such good care of her horses and gets quite attached to them. So losing one is never easy. Patrina was a pretty little thing.

Nikon D850 ,Vivitar 70-210mm f/2.8-4 Series 1
1/400s f/11.0 at 210.0mm iso4500 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Joseph V Higbee19-Jun-2018 03:09
We know they don't live forever but we sometimes wish they could.
Walter Otto Koenig18-Jun-2018 15:37
A nice portrait of Patrina. So sorry your daughter lost her.
Richard Glenn18-Jun-2018 15:33
Beautiful photo and fitting tribute. V
parrothouse18-Jun-2018 14:35
Sorry to hear about your daughters loss Vern.
Yvonne18-Jun-2018 11:35
Always a problem on the fresh spring glass... very sorry to hear,
a lovely looking horse.
Ed Duverger18-Jun-2018 09:24
Very sorry to hear this.
Laura Milholland18-Jun-2018 06:36
A lovely shot of this gorgeous and dear friend. We are so very sorry for the loss, and especially for Angie. Such a tough thing. How wonderful you all got to share part of her life with her.
joseantonio18-Jun-2018 03:47
so sorry to hear this
woody3418-Jun-2018 03:45
Loosing our animal friends is always difficult, the photo is very nice and will always be a memory...
Ruth Voorhis18-Jun-2018 03:15
So sorry to hear this. It's always difficult to lose a beloved pet.
Yi Feng18-Jun-2018 01:32
Beautiful lovely horse!
Bea.18-Jun-2018 01:25
Such a pretty horse, always difficult to say goodbye to one of your treasured animals.
Carter Creek18-Jun-2018 01:18
So very sorry about the loss of Katrina. Very nice rememberence.
Eloine 18-Jun-2018 00:31
I’ve been through my fair share of horses lost and my boy Elvis is very close. It’s going to be tough
Steve Thuman18-Jun-2018 00:31
So sad!
Wintermeer17-Jun-2018 23:57
Very sorry to hear that- your image is a very fitting tribute! ~V~
Jim Coffman17-Jun-2018 23:52
Oh my, I am so sorry! Such a pretty horse..
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