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Song Sparrow--Melospiza melodia--W9F0172.jpg

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Simon Chandler14-Jul-2011 02:26
Beautiful image. Love the setting and mood. v
Lennart Waara04-Jul-2011 09:36
Wonderful image with the bird i light from behind! Excellent work! V
Jim Coffman02-Jul-2011 12:43
Very nice capture,Rocky! V
Guest 01-Jul-2011 19:16
Such a wonderful perch. Would not mind being up there myself! Superb composition wit the limb slicing the the image in two and contrasting with the soft green watercolor background.
Stephanie29-Jun-2011 21:21
Wonderful compo and dof. what a cute little sparrow! V
Tom LeRoy29-Jun-2011 18:57
Superb color and details! V
Johnny JAG29-Jun-2011 18:45
Great details, love the background
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