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flowsnow | all galleries >> Travel Log >> Trekking Cambodia >> *Treasures Of Angkor* > Apsaras Everywhere
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Apsaras Everywhere

Angkor Wat, Cambodia

It would appear from my collection that I have a number of Apsaras shots. Perhaps I quite like to see the fairer sexes images. I found they are really unique, everyone of them is different in a way, though sculptured almost the same style. I later found out that each of Angkor Wat's apsaras is unique. Elaborate headwear, jewellery, body posture and facial expressions define each one, whether they appear in twos or threes or on their own. Wow..this is amazing. There is one apsara which has her teeth shown, but I never got a shot of it. I read it in one of the travel books.

Sony DSC-F717
1/30s f/3.2 at 12.2mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Guest 11-Feb-2007 18:21
a nice composition.
Katie Chew06-Feb-2007 14:31
Great shot
Nestor Derkach06-Feb-2007 13:42
Excellent detailed stone carvings.
Nice capture with great perspective of the long wall. Vote
zyziza06-Feb-2007 13:09
wonderful art, V
Martha Albuquerque06-Feb-2007 13:02
great shot, love the layers, details and tones. v
Victoria06-Feb-2007 12:35
This is beautiful present this ancient architecture, great