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Press Release


The Sigma Corporation is pleased to announce the new SIGMA SD1 Digital SLR Camera, incorporating a 46 megapixel (4,800×3,200×3 layers) X3 direct image sensor.

The SIGMA SD1 is Sigma's flagship digital SLR model, adopting a lightweight yet solid magnesium alloy for its body and O-ring sealing connections to make Sigma's splash proof design throughout for use in harsh conditions.

The SIGMA SD1 incorporates a 23.5×15.7mm APS-C X3 direct image sensor and dual "TRUE (Three-layer Responsive Ultimate Engine) II" image processing engines. The combination of the 46 megapixel (4,800×3,200×3 layers) sensor and dual TRUE II processing engines ensure the high resolution images are processed quickly with high definition and a smooth and subtle gradation of color.

The SD1 is SIGMA's latest digital SLR camera which meets high requirements of professional and enthusiast photographers for all types of photography.

SD1 Special Site :

SD1 Introduction of the product :

