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Second Ultrasound - 20 weeks

We had our second ultrasound today. Little PBaby is 20 weeks old and now weighs about 13 ounces.

Today is the day we would have been able to find out PBaby's sex, but we are not finding out. Actually, Slug doesn't want to know the baby's sex until it's 5 years old... I think he's just trying to get out of diaper duty. From now on, I'm going to refer to PBaby as "she" for simplicity and because boys are messy, and I don't want to think about a little boy in there making a big mess.

We've been listening to the baby's heartbeat at doctor visits, and today we got to see the little heart beating again. It was amazing how much was visible on the ultrasound. We were able to see the 4 chambers of the heart, the kidneys, little fingers on the hands, and lots more. We could see PBaby having a little snack of amniotic fluid and watch her swallowing it. PBaby even posed for a couple of photos by sticking her tongue out while she had her snack - she gets this from me.

This image is from today's ultrasound. You can see PBaby's head, with a profile of her nose and open mouth.

We are well into the second trimester now. I knew I would be tired during the first trimester, but I couldn't believe how soon after I became pregnant I felt completely exhausted all the time. It is so nice to have that energy back! Luckily, I did not experience sickness, just some nausea.

I have been feeling PBaby moving around for a few weeks now. Sometimes, she just gives a little kick, and sometimes it feels like she's turning somersaults. I haven't really been having any cravings - no more than usual, anyway. I always have those days when I need a hit of chocolate or a certain kind of food.

Soon, I'll make Slug take some photos of me in good sunlight and post them.

weight : 167 lbs
belly : 37.5 inches

other sizes: small original auto
Carla 17-Oct-2006 21:21
Hey Emily - Just went onto your website & read about PBaby! I'm glad you're feeling well. Tell Chuck hello for - also your mom & dad. I'm new at all this computer stuff - so hope you get this message! I hope the remainder of your pregnancy goes smoothly. Love - Carla
Ana Carloto O'Shea14-Oct-2006 21:04
Pbaby :)
Congratulations and the best of luck for the times to come.
ashley 08-Sep-2006 03:42 precious is this! it's so amazing to see and i love love love it!
Guest 18-Aug-2006 16:39
Come see me for photos! This is a very cute blog. I love how you're celebrating this!
noearlybird12-Aug-2006 03:08
Love her name! Pbaby! Beats Apple and Moses anyday. You're very right, boys are messy. Kathie
Bonnie Neel10-Aug-2006 15:28
She's cute! But, boys are nice too!
Granny : )
Robin Reid09-Aug-2006 20:28
It is neat you are posting this Emily. An exciting time for us all. Your comment about Slug not wanting to know the babies sex until she is five cracks me up. I've never met Slug, but I'll bet a five year account that he becomes a blithering softie when she is born. Way to go and hang in there!
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