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16-May-2006 Dr. Fetko

First Doctor's Visit - 8 weeks

Emily's Belly

We had our first doctor's visit today, along with an ultrasound. We have a healthy, 19.6mm long baby. This is actually big for 8 weeks. So, the ultrasound machine estimated that I am almost 9 weeks along. Our baby already has arms, legs, and a tiny beating heart. If you don't see a baby in the photo, the baby is in the top of the black blob. Its head is on the left and down some. You can see the little arms. One is reaching up to the head. The legs develop after the arms, so they aren't as easy to recognize, but you can see little leg buds.

It looks like I'm due right around Christmas - Dec 20 according to the measurements taken today, and Dec 26 according to calendar calculations. I guess we're having Christmas at the hospital this year.
So far, I've been lucky. I seem to be one of the women who doesn't get "morning" sickness. But I do burp a lot, and I am very tired. If I'm not working on PBase, I'm probably asleep.
Oh yeah, and I miss sushi! I am a sushi-loving girl -, and I am craving it. I guess I'll just have to order the cooked sushi.
One difficult thing to decide is what to call the baby before it is born when you don't want to know the sex. PBaby has been suggested, and I think it's kinda cute.

weight : 156 lbs
belly : 34 3/4 inches

other sizes: small original auto
David 03-Feb-2010 00:34
Well done - I'm sure that this comment finds you with your baby in the "terrible twos" - we just had our first ultrasound, and I have to say -- it looks EXACTLY like yours. I hope that all goes well, and thank you for your post.
noearlybird17-May-2006 02:05
SO exciting. SLEEP now while you can and suffer NO guilt, sleep will soon be a memory! Kathie
Robin Reid17-May-2006 00:34
Far out Emily. Probably a little Slug Jr? He will be to brigh for his own good! ;)
Donnaray16-May-2006 21:34
For my first pregnancy all I did was sleep and eat, but mostly sleep.
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