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Eldar Kadymov | all galleries >> Galleries >> Costa Rica Is All About Nature > Red Eye Tree Frog, Monteverde Cloud Forest
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Red Eye Tree Frog, Monteverde Cloud Forest

Panasonic Lumix DMC-L1
1/1000s f/5.6 at 50.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Michael Weinberg24-Feb-2008 06:13
Hello Eldar. Superb narrow dof and spectacular color. (Obviously your Panasonic camera is a great buy for the money.) I will bet, knowing the location of missing underwear. that this critter feeds on family jewels. You can tell, not only by color, but by his big smile. Ciao, Michael.
Adeline21-Feb-2008 00:41
What a great shot. The pose , colors and setting are superb. V.
Eldar Kadymov20-Feb-2008 23:29
Surely it's for real, here is another one ! Amigo, I cannot believe you didn't like the rest of gallery...
DENZA20-Feb-2008 05:03
WOW!! Is sthat for real?? Truly magnificient work. BraVo!!
Eldar Kadymov20-Feb-2008 03:40
Yes, I tried to kiss this frog in the butt... BUT.. she did not turn in to a princess...
Hodero19-Feb-2008 16:01
What a beauty!
Did you try to kiss it ?
Sandi Whitteker19-Feb-2008 13:57
I love these frogs! They are amazing colors. This one is a beauty Eldar. Wonderful composition and close capture.
flowsnow19-Feb-2008 06:10
Amazing stuff you shoot, Eldar. This is excellent.
Dan Ng19-Feb-2008 05:25
Wonderful colors and composition. V.
Guest 19-Feb-2008 01:27
Very colorful : ) v
Marcia Colelli18-Feb-2008 20:15
wonderful capture, I never was able to get a shot of this type of frog. V
Lisa W.18-Feb-2008 19:46
Very cool photo Eldar! V