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Eldar Kadymov | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Costa Rica Is All About Nature tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Costa Rica Is All About Nature

This was the first time when I didn't want to use any camera during the trip, as I just wanted to relax and enjoy beauty of Costa Rica. Only the itching thought about missing some wonderful moments made me keep pushing the shutter. We went to Costa Rica on self-guided tour and it's definitely the best way to explore this wonderful country, though very challenging when it comes to driving especially in rural areas. Let me know if you want to get some travel tips and advise in case if you are interested in traveling to Costa Rica. I will be glad to help. Half of the images were taken by my lovely wife Vera, so if you liked the gallery, plese give her a credit ! Enjoy the ride and cheers !
Animations - flies away
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Flora Of Tortuguero Selva
Flora Of Tortuguero Selva
Sipping Alcohol Free Pina Colada, Guapiles
Sipping Alcohol Free Pina Colada, Guapiles
Butterfly In Carrara Park
Butterfly In Carrara Park
Unexpected Guest, Pacific Coastline
Unexpected Guest, Pacific Coastline
Tequila Sunrise With Pacific Sunset
Tequila Sunrise With Pacific Sunset
Small Tragedies Of Big Forest, Carara National Park
Small Tragedies Of Big Forest, Carara National Park
Ocean Droppings, Atlantic Coast
Ocean Droppings, Atlantic Coast
Powisi As Per Hodero, Arenal Forest
Powisi As Per Hodero, Arenal Forest
2 Bonitas Strike Again ! Coatimundi In Monteverde Forest
2 Bonitas Strike Again ! Coatimundi In Monteverde Forest
Fancy Bird In Tortuguero Selva
Fancy Bird In Tortuguero Selva
Mask, Sarchi
Mask, Sarchi
Textures Of Atlantic Coast
Textures Of Atlantic Coast
Colours Of Carrara National Park
Colours Of Carrara National Park
Charming Smile By Fidel Castro, Tarcol River
Charming Smile By Fidel Castro, Tarcol River
Menacing Mushroom, Monteverde Forest
Menacing Mushroom, Monteverde Forest
Corals Of Cloud Forest
"Corals" Of Cloud Forest
Transparent Butterfly In Highlands
Transparent Butterfly In Highlands
Red Eye Tree Frog, Monteverde Cloud Forest
Red Eye Tree Frog, Monteverde Cloud Forest
Quick Nap By Infamous Coconutman, Guapiles
Quick Nap By Infamous Coconutman, Guapiles
Perfect Camouflage, Leaf Beetle In Monteverde Forest
Perfect Camouflage, Leaf Beetle In Monteverde Forest
Mysterious Script On Blood Tree... Jungles Of Tortuguero
Mysterious Script On Blood Tree... Jungles Of Tortuguero
Deep In Jungles Of Tortuguero Selva
Deep In Jungles Of Tortuguero Selva
Oxcart Wheel, Sarchi
Oxcart Wheel, Sarchi
Sunbathing Black Turtle, Carrara Park
Sunbathing Black Turtle, Carrara Park
Happy Hour Is Almost Over ! Let's Catch Up !!!
Happy Hour Is Almost Over ! Let's Catch Up !!!
Sky Scrapper Flower ( My Interpretation ), Poas Volcano National Park
Sky Scrapper Flower ( My Interpretation ), Poas Volcano National Park
In Kingdom of Alcatraz, Pacific Coast
In Kingdom of Alcatraz, Pacific Coast
Fossils Of Jurassic Era, Atlantic Coast
Fossils Of Jurassic Era, Atlantic Coast
Chose Your Hat Wisely ! Guapiles
Chose Your Hat Wisely ! Guapiles
Terror Continues...Freddy Explores Poas Volcano...
Terror Continues...Freddy Explores Poas Volcano...
Tortuguero Selva
Tortuguero Selva
Happy Bridal Couple !  Arenal National Park
Happy Bridal Couple ! Arenal National Park
Festing Morpho, Arenal Volcano Park
Festing Morpho, Arenal Volcano Park
Rockies of Pacific Coast
Rockies of Pacific Coast
Howler Monkey In Stunt, Tortuguero Selva
Howler Monkey In Stunt, Tortuguero Selva
Study of Leaves, Cararra National Park
Study of Leaves, Cararra National Park
Small Dragon Is Guarding Its Territory, Manuel Antonio Park
Small Dragon Is Guarding Its Territory, Manuel Antonio Park
Mysterious Findings In Tropical Forest, Monteverde
Mysterious Findings In Tropical Forest, Monteverde
Symbiotic Relationships
Symbiotic Relationships
Painting, Sarchi
Painting, Sarchi
Don't Follow The Fate Of That Turtle, Arenal Volcano
Don't Follow The Fate Of That Turtle, Arenal Volcano
Pretty Butterfly, Monteverde Forest
Pretty Butterfly, Monteverde Forest
Menacing Frog Gets In To Attack Mode, Tarcol River
Menacing Frog Gets In To Attack Mode, Tarcol River
Light Lunch With Mini-Burger, Arenal Volcano
Light Lunch With Mini-Burger, Arenal Volcano
Unidentified Tropical Flower, Arenal Volcano Park
Unidentified Tropical Flower, Arenal Volcano Park
Flora Of Tortuguero Selva
Flora Of Tortuguero Selva
Life On Water, Tortuguero Selva
Life On Water, Tortuguero Selva
Flower In Tortuguero Selva
Flower In Tortuguero Selva
Never Leave This World Without Funeral Insurance ! Vutures Feast In Arenal Forest
Never Leave This World Without Funeral Insurance ! Vutures Feast In Arenal Forest
Family Of Coatimundis Guards Their Territory, Arenal National Park
Family Of Coatimundis Guards Their Territory, Arenal National Park
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