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Al Aqsa: Faith Transforming a Philadelphia Neighborhood

Images in my pbase galleries are Copyright © 2005-2007. All rights reserved.

This gallery is part of a larger ethnographic study of all 83 congregations on Germantown Avenue in Philadelphia that I am working on with Dr Katie Day from the Lutheran Theological Seminary in Philadelphia. (See )
These photos document in detail the work done by a group of artists and muralists who, during the summer and early fall of 2004, designed a new facade for the Al Aqsa Islamic Society in the South Kensington section of Philadelphia. Included here also are photos of members of the Al Aqsa community - most notably students from the primary school and high school that comprise Al-Aqsa Academy. (see )
The photos were taken in one or two week intervals between July and November 2004. Unfortunately, because of the way the project was structured they are not in chronological order.
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AlAqsaTileApprnt.jpg AlAqsaSWCrnr.jpg ImamSonClsUp.jpg AlAqsaCrftMn1.jpg
JoeHarveyOnScfld3.jpg AlAqsaFacadeSo.jpg CDCDir.jpg ImamWalking.jpg
FcdPrep3Aug04.jpg JoeHarveyOnScfld.jpg AlAqsaFrntVwSep04.jpg BROSLtrs.jpg
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