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Jake Jacobson | all galleries >> The War Lover, Movie and the plane B-17 >> The Story of the Filming of The War Lover > N5229V on the ramp
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N5229V on the ramp

A view of N5229V on the ramp, probably at Gatwick on October 8, 1961. The three B-17s processed through customs at Gatwick on their way to Bovingdon. This view shows the ex Navy PB-1W carrying “Columbia (British)” titles on the fuselage and both “Film Services Ltd.” And “Aero American” titles on the vertical stabilizer.

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Bob Cooper 22-Aug-2020 15:24
Hi, I remember seeing this at Gatwick 9th October 1961 along with N9563V and N5232V. Could I use this photo in my book that I am wring about my fifty six years in aircraft engineering.
Dan Greenberg27-Dec-2014 21:58
This is an awesome picture! Have a fantastic New Year Jake. ~BV~
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