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The War Lover, Movie and the plane B-17

The Plane (B17 Serial #: 44-83563 "The Body") We Flew On This Mission
Resides In A Museum In California At This Time and was Renamed Fuddy Duddy.

In 1962 The opportunity came along to fly on this promotional trip for "The War Lover" by Columbia Pictures.
How Could I refuse A thing Like That? So, I Hired On as Radioman.
The Trip took about 30 days and was an absolute blast.
We flew to every major city in the U.S.ofA. and She (the B-17) Went on to work in Tora Tora Tora, A real Movie Star she was.

The B17  Used In The Film INFO
The B17 Used In The Film INFO
The Story of the Filming of The War Lover
:: The Story of the Filming of The War Lover ::
Wall Street Journal
Wall Street Journal
War Lover Hand-Out
War Lover Hand-Out
War Lover Hand-Out page1
War Lover Hand-Out page1
War Lover Hand-Out page2
War Lover Hand-Out page2
War Lover
War Lover
War Lover
War Lover
War Lover
War Lover
War Lover
War Lover
War Lover
War Lover
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