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Earl Arboneaux | all galleries >> Events >> Sean Prints >> Birding Gallery >> White Pelicans > Smooth Landing
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21-NOV-2012 Earl Arboneaux Jr

Smooth Landing

“ Smooth Landing “

The American White Pelican comes in for a smooth landing during its annual migration south..
ID: American White Pelican
Habitat: Lakes, marshes, salt bays…
Stock No:1DMK4314911212012

Available Sizes: 11x14, 16x20,16x24
Prints are processed through a professional photo lab, protected with a lustra coating.They have an archival value of 100 years in home display,and approximately 200 years in dark storage..

Canon EOS 1D Mark IV
1/1000s f/8.0 at 500.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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