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Dave Thomas | profile | all galleries >> Miscellaneous Travels >> Virginia >> Shenandoah National Park >> Turkey Day 2012 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Turkey Day 2012

Our 2012 Thanksgiving weekend became our second annual visit to Skyland Resort, a lodge located along Skyline Drive in Shenandoah National Park (Mile 41.7). 2012 was not blessed with weather as warm as 2011, but at least the first few days were near 50ºF during the warmest parts of the day. We were joined by a couple of friends for all but our last day and got in a few short hikes to enjoy the mountain air.

No doubt the biggest excitement of this trip was seeing a bear walking along the stone wall bordering Skyline Drive somewhere near milepost 10. The critter seemed totally non-plussed about cars passing by less than ten feet away! See the Skyline Drive gallery.

And belatedly, we added a small selection here of shots on B&W film taken with our 1950s vintage Voigtländer Perkeo II.

:: Wednesday ::
:: Thursday ::
:: Friday ::
:: Saturday ::
Last Day Breakfast
Last Day Breakfast
Bent Tree
Bent Tree
Hawksbill Overlook
Hawksbill Overlook
g2/93/463093/3/148850643.CGxWXCF1.jpg Fallen Tree
Fallen Tree
Tangled Branches
Tangled Branches