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Ed Greenberg | profile | all galleries >> Dogs >> Afghan Hounds >> Introducing Mateo, our new puppy tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Introducing Mateo, our new puppy

It's June 4, 2006, and Pippi's puppies are 13 weeks old. Rio, the red male, has gone to live with Jane. Amiga Mia will remain with Lila. And the little black boy will be coming home with us next weekend. In the mean time, we need to decide upon a name. Something evocative of the southwest and its Spanish heritage. Hidalgo? Cacique? Jefe? Ay carramba!!!

Late-breaking news: After scouring numerous lists of Spanish given names on the web, we've decided to name our boy Mateo ("Gift of God"). His full name is Oranje Sonoran Mateo. A fitting name for this little angel!

PS: Mateo's sister, named Amiga Mia when this gallery was assembled, was soon afterwards renamed Muchacha. As of February 2012, Chacha has joined Jupiter and her brother Mateo in our happy home (see Chacha Comes to Her Tempe Home).

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Aren't I something?
Aren't I something?
All this play is tiring
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Time for a little munchie
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Nap time!
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Can I come back out to play now?
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I love my snuggles
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Table pup
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I like to go walkies!
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How am I doing?
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I'm eager to please
I'm eager to please
Am I pleasing you?
Am I pleasing you?
All this sitting is tiring! I'm ready for another nap!
All this sitting is tiring! I'm ready for another nap!
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