30-Sep-2024 14:13
:: Wildflowers of New York State ::
12-Jul-2022 17:47
:: 91birthday ::
17-Apr-2022 14:18
:: Buttermilk Falls State Park ::
13-Apr-2022 13:45
:: Fillmore Glen ::
10-Apr-2022 21:22
:: Enfield Glen ::
18-Dec-2021 20:58
:: Kinglets, Wrens, and Gnatcatchers ::
28-Nov-2021 17:19
:: Autumn ::
27-Nov-2021 19:01
:: Garnet Hill Lodge, Thirteenth Lake, and Peaked Mountain ::
11-Aug-2021 19:22
:: patterns ::
29-Jun-2021 19:26
:: Hummingbirds ::
17-Jun-2021 14:33
:: Cape May and Avalon August 2017 ::
09-Jun-2021 19:14
:: shorebirds ::