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David Ruppert31-May-2019 20:07
Yes, I will try to id your plant.
Guest 14-Dec-2017 22:50
I'm a writer and found your site while doing research of plants native to New York State. Absolutely beautiful photographs, David. Extremely informative. I simply wanted to thank you for all your hard work.
Best regards,
K. Wallace King
David Ruppert18-Aug-2017 22:46

Your blue flowers could be ajuga, sometimes called bugleweed.

David Ruppert27-Jul-2017 14:48
Nancy, I don't know what your tall, blue flowers might be. Sweet Williams come in various colors, but not, as far as I know, blue. David
Nancy 26-Jul-2017 16:16
Thanks for the photos and the information. I have a small garden in the Bronx and I let it go to see what would come up. I have blue bell, white clover, tiger lily, spearmint, vinca, thistle, smartweed, fleabane, rose of sharon, violets and one I can't identify. The flowers are gone now. My neighbor said it was Sweet William, but I don't think so. The flowers were tall and blue. The leaves are purple-ish and shiny and spread out.
Thanks again.
David Ruppert20-Apr-2017 17:54
Hi Mark, The flower you describe might be Bloodroot. They are white with a yellow center and are one of the first wildflowers to bloom in the spring. David
Mark Jones 18-Apr-2017 13:36
Excellent photography
Recently while stream fishing I saw a flower (?)
It was a white cup, with almost no stem, growing
Right on the ground. The inside of the cup was a
brilliant yellow. Any ideas?

Mark Jones
Arline joy 28-Aug-2016 13:51
I recently went to a wedding and they had center pieces that we wild plants that smelled like roses, except they had no flowers on them. What are they called and do you know where ghet grow?
Jagz 26-Jul-2016 20:12
Thank you for these beautiful photos. Living in Southern CA causes me to miss the wildflowers in the Finger Lake area.
Charlene Massey-Barber 19-Jun-2015 18:16
I have a new weed in my meadow and around my house growing next to a Giant Hogweed. This plant is quite tall. In fact at this point, it's taller than the hogweed plants scattered about. It's much taller than I am at 4'10" and has very large leaves, though not as large as the burdocks we have all over. If I take a photo, might you be able to identify it? After moving into our new house (built on the same property), and after my daughter and her many goats left, we have been getting new wildflower plants every year. This is our 4th year since the soil has been so badly disrupted. My wildflower book was lost in the move and I don't go out much at all due to a handicap. I hope you can help. The idea of another toxic plant gives me the creeps. I will be calling the DEC Hotline after I return from Rochester on a 3 day trip.
Guest 06-Sep-2014 14:19
The picture galley of Northern NY wild flowers with attached names is so helpful!!! Just yesterday, while taking a walk with my dog, I was wondering for the umpteenth time what a particular plant was. Lo and behold, it is a spotted touch-me-not, whose tender seed pods seemingly " explode" when squeezed or just touched, when fully ripe. Thank you for clearing up a mystery that I have been wondering about every late summer since childhood.
Natalie 10-Dec-2012 21:19
Hi! I loved your pictures! You are very talented!
Handan 18-Jun-2012 23:41
Dear David,

Congratulations on your wedding!! Very nice photos.

Carol Eichler 27-Oct-2010 15:20
Aside from the wonderful photos I have to compliment you on your birding skills too! This gallery was a wonderful discovery.
Melissa Pistor 30-Sep-2010 20:32
Hi I LOVED your pictures. I can't wait to see more pictures.
Chris Couse 13-Sep-2010 23:47
Yor wildflower photos are great ! I use your gallery quite often to try and identify wildflowers I find in New York. Great stuff !
Carol Murphree 09-Oct-2009 13:53
wonderful photos David! I just showed them to a friend.
patrick pistor 18-Sep-2009 21:19
love your pictures!!!!!
Simone 23-Aug-2008 21:53
Mother Natures gift to you, your gift to us. Your work is incredible.
Guest 24-Mar-2007 21:55
Nice Gallery
Gerry Rising 28-Sep-2006 13:40

I am of two minds when I look at your lovely photographs. First, I enjoy them very much, but second, I am extremely jealous. I can take a hundred photos and not come up with a single one of anywhere near the quality of any one of yours.
Donal Fitterer 24-Sep-2006 21:53
Beautiful photos Dave. Composition is excellent and the detail is crisp.
lgprice10-Jun-2006 00:53
Nice Galleries, Dave. Look forward to seeing more.
LG (Gail)