Cedar Waxwing, Cottonwood, AZ |
Northern Cardinal, Village of Oak Creek, AZ |
Red-shafted Northern Flicker (female), Mingus Mountain, AZ |
Mountain Bluebird, Coconino County, AZ |
Lucy's Warbler, Coconino County, AZ |
Cassin's Vireo, Coconino County, AZ |
Horned Lark, Prescott Valley, AZ |
Western Meadowlark, Prescott Valley, AZ |
Horned Lark, Prescott Valley, AZ |
Bush Tit, Mingus Mountain, AZ |
Hooded Merganser and red rock reflections, Sedona, AZ |
Western Bluebird, Cottonwood, AZ |
Spotted Towhee, Clear Creek, AZ |
Greater Roadrunner, Cottonwood, AZ |
Greater Roadrunner, Cottonwood, AZ |
Gambel's Quail, Cottonwood, AZ |
Say's Phoebe, Cottonwood, AZ |
Mourning Dove, Cottonwood, AZ |
Western Kingbird, Cottonwood, AZ |
Anna's Hummingbird, Cottonwood, AZ |
Greater Roadrunner, Cottonwood, AZ |
Ladder-backed Woodpecker, Cottonwood, AZ |
Lesser Goldfinch, Cottonwood, AZ |
Northern Cardinal, Cottonwood, AZ |
Say's Phoebe, Cottonwood, AZ |
Eurasian Collared Dove, Cottonwood, AZ |
Bewick's Wren, Cottonwood, AZ |
Eurasian Collared Dove, Cottonwood, AZ |
Ring-necked Pheasant, Cornville, AZ |
Northern Cardinal, Cottonwood, AZ |
Ring-necked Pheasant, Windmill Gardens Nursery, Cornville, AZ |
Anna's Hummingbird (female), Cottonwood, AZ |
Rufous Hummingbird, Cottonwood, AZ |
Juvenile Anna's Hummingbird , Cottonwood, AZ |
Black-chinned Hummingbird, Cottonwood, AZ |
Rufous Hummingbird, Cottonwood, AZ |
Rufous Hummingbird (female), Cottonwood, AZ |
Costa's Hummingbird, Cottonwood, AZ |
Woodhouse's Scrub Jay, Cottonwood, AZ |
Lesser Goldfinch, Cottonwood, AZ |
Canada Geese, Uvx Road, Cottonwood, AZ |
Gambel's Quail, Cottoonwood, AZ |
Vermilion Flycatcher (female), Cottonwood, AZ |
Hermit Thrush, Sedona, AZ |
Mountain Bluebird, Yavapai County, AZ |
Vermilion Flycatcher (female), Cottonwood, AZ |
Red-tailed Hawk, Cornville, AZ |
Phainopepla (female), Sedona, AZ |
Western Bluebird, Cottonwood, AZ |
Mountain Bluebird, Yavapai County, AZ |
Clark's Grebe, Cottonwood, AZ |
European Starling, Cottonwood, AZ |
Western Meadowlark, Yavapai County, AZ |
Juvenile Cooper's Hawk, Cottonwood, AZ |
Brewer's Sparrow, Yavapai County, AZ |
Western Blluebird, Yavapai County, AZ |
Savannah Sparrow, Yavapai County, AZ |
White-breasted Nuthatch, Mogollon Rim, AZ |
Townsend's Solitaire, Coconino County, AZ |
Ash-throated Flycatcher, Cottonwood, AZ |
Feruginous Hawk, Cottonwood, AZ |
Black-throated Sparrow, Yavapai County, AZ |
Brown Creeper, Yavapai County, AZ |
Bridled Titmouse, Yavapai County, AZ |
Mountain Bluebird, Yavapai County, AZ |
Black-throated Sparrow, Yavapai County, AZ |
Mountain Bluebirds (female), Coconino County, AZ |
White-throated sparrow , V Bar V Ranch, Coconino County, AZ |
Lesser Goldfinch, V Bar V Ranch, Coconino County, AZ |
Hermit Thrush, V Bar V Ranch, Coconino County, AZ |
Bridled Titmouse, Yavapai County, AZ |
American Robin, Cottonwood, AZ |
Black Phoebe, V-Bar-V Ranch, Coconino County, Arizona |
Dark-eyed Junco (Oregon variety), Cottonwood, AZ |
Gambel's Quail, Cottonwood, AZ |
Western Bluebird, Cottonwood, AZ |
Lazuli Bunting, Cottonwood, AZ |
Cooper's Hawk, Cottonwood, AZ |
Cooper's Hawk, Cottonwood, AZ |
Scott's Oriole, Sedona, AZ |
Crissel Thrasher, Sedona, AZ |
Woodhouse's Scrub Jay, Sedona, AZ |
Anna's Hummingbird, Sedona, AZ |
Woodhouse's Scrub Jay, Sedona, AZ |
Hooded Oriole (female), Sedona, AZ |
Crissel Thrasher, Sedona, AZ |
Pied-biled Grebe and chick, Sedona Wetlands Preserve, Sedona, AZ |
Canyon Wren, Montezuma Well National Monument, AZ |
White-breasted Nuthatch, Mingus Mountain, AZ |
Cassan's Finch, Prescott Valley, AZ |
Acorn Woodpecker, Mingus Mountain, Yavapai County, AZ |
Gray Flycatcher, Mingus Mountain, Yavapai County, AZ |
House Wren, Mingus Mountain, Yavapai County, AZ |
Lazuli Bunting, Dead Horse Ranch State Park, AZ |
Verdin, Sedona, AZ |
Female Scott's Oriole, Sedona,Yavapai County, AZ |
Northern Cardinal, Page Springs Fish Hatchery, Page Springs, AZ |
Red-faced Warbler, Mingus Mountain, Yavapai County, AZ |
Orange-crowned Warbler, Camp Verde, AZ |
Grace's Warbler, Mingus Mountain, Yavpai County, AZ |
Bullock's Oriole in a Palo Verde Tree, Cottonwood, AZ |
Cassin's Vireo, Mingus Mountain, Yavapai County, AZ |
Cedar Waxwing, Cottonwood, AZ |
Yellow-rumped Warbler, Cottonwood, AZ |
Western Wood Pewee, Mingus Mountain, Yavapai County, AZ |
Western Meadowlark, Verde Valley, AZ |
Townsend's Solitare, Verde Valley, AZ |
Dark-eyed Junco, Verde Valley, AZ |
Phainopepla on a sand burr, Verde Valley, AZ |
Northern Flicker Verde Valley, AZ |
Western Bluebirds, Verrde Valley, AZ |
Western Bluebird Trio, Verde Valley, AZ |
:: Stock Pond Birds of the Verde Valley ::
Vermilion Flycatcher, Dead Horse Ranch State Park, AZ |
Bronzed Cowbird, Verde Valley, AZ |
Bullocks Oriole, Verde Valley, AZ |
Lazuli Bunting, Verde Valley, AZ |
Gambels Quail, Verde Valley, AZ |
Green-tailed Towhee,Verde Valley, AZ |
Scott's Oriole, Verde Valley, AZ |
Yellow Warbler, Verde Valley, AZ |
Northern Cardinal, Verde Valley, AZ |
Black-headed Grosbeak, Verde Valley, AZ |
Yellow Warbler, Verde Valley, AZ |
House Finch, Verde Valley, AZ |
Lawrence's Goldfinch, Verde Valley, AZ |
Western Bluebirds, Yavapai County, AZ |
Lawrence's Goldfinches near Camp Verde, AZ |
Juniper Titmouse, Sedona, AZ |
Scott's Oriole, Sedona, AZ |
Ladder-backed Woodpecker, Sedona, AZ |
House Finch Sedona, AZ. |
Scott's Oriole, Sedona,AZ |
Ladder-backed Woodpecker, Sedona, AZ |
Woodhouse's Scrub Jay, Sedona, AZ |
Hermit Thrush, Sedona, AZ |
Yellow-rumped Warbler, Sedona, AZ |
Dark-eyed Junco on a Cholla Cactus Skeleton, Sedona, AZ |
Cedar Waxwing, Cottonwood, AZ |
Cedar Waxwing , Cottonwood, AZ |
Cedar Waxwing amongst berries, Cottonwood, AZ |
Yellow-breasted Chat, Red Rock State Park, Sedona, AZ |
Cooper's Hawk Telling Me to Stay Away While he is Eating, Cottonwood, AZ |
Cooper's Hawk eating lunch, Cottonwood, AZ |
Cassin's Finch, Coconino County, Sedona, AZ |
Say's Phoebe, Coconino County, Sedona, AZ |
Mountain Bluebird, Coconino County, AZ |
Western Bluebird in Flight, Coconino County, AZ |
The Three Bluebird Ladies, Coconino County, Sedona, AZ |
Painted Redstart, Mingus Mountain, Yavapai County, AZ |
Dark-eyed Junco (Oregon), Coconino County, Sedona, AZ |
Western Bluebird in Pyracantha, Cottonwood, AZ |
Hooded Oriole (female), Cottonwood, AZ |
Western Bluebirds on a Log, Verde Valley, AZ |
Bluebirds in a tree |
Scott's Oriole on cedar branches, Verde Valley, AZ |
Lazuli Bunting, Sedona, AZ |
Woodhouse's Scrub Jay, Village of Oak Creek, AZ |
Eurasian Widgeon, Green Valley Park, Payson, AZ |
Wood Duck and tree reflection, Verde Village Pond, Cottonwood, AZ |
Wood Duck pair, Verde Village Pond, Cottonwood, AZ |
Mallards, Verde Village Pond, Cottonwood, AZ |
Wood Duck, Verde Village Pond, Cottonwood, AZ |
Snow Goose, Verde Village Pond, Cottonwood, AZ |
Green-winged Teal, Bubbling Ponds, Page Springs, AZ |
Black-headed Grosbeak, Sedona, AZ |
Bewick's Wren, Sedona, AZ |
Gambel's Quail, Sedona, AZ |
Juniper Titmouse, Sedona, AZ |
Lazuli Bunting, Sedona, AZ |
Mourning Dove, Sedona, AZ |
Hermit Thrush, Sedona, AZ |
Western Screech Owl, Lo Lo Mai Springs, Sedona, AZ |
Spotted Towhee, Clear Creek, AZ |
Cinnamon Teal, Bubbling Ponds, Page Springs, AZ |
Cooper's Hawk eating lunch, Cottonwood, AZ |