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Dick Osseman | profile | all galleries >> Cappadocia >> Cappadocia churches >> Chapel of St. Catherine tree view | thumbnails | slideshow | map

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Chapel of St. Catherine

I was informed a picture at my Sandals Church gallery was actually from St. Catherine’s chapel. When scanning slides from 1992 I checked this more thoroughly and found it right. Only two pictures so far.

Quoting from another site: "Situated between the Karanlik (Dark) Church and the Carikli Church, the Chapel of St. Catherine it has a free-cross nave and narthex. The central bay is covered by a dome and the cross arms are barrel-vaulted. It's apse is closed by a templon. The narthex has nine floor graves and two arcosolia (burial niches).

Only in the nave of the chapel are some decorations with figures. The pendentives are decorated with carvings.
The Chapel of St. Catherine, built by a donor named Anna, dates back to the 11th century."
Chapel of St Catherine 6918.jpg
Chapel of St Catherine 6918.jpg
Chapel of St Catherine Goreme 92 014.jpg
Chapel of St Catherine Goreme 92 014.jpg