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Dick Osseman | profile | all galleries >> Cappadocia >> Cappadocia churches >> Basil Church tree view | thumbnails | slideshow | map

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Basil Church

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Another nice church in the Göreme Open Air Museum.

Excellent information was avalaible in 2024 at

Note I have grouped many churches in Cappadocia in one gallery.


Göreme Açık Hava Müzesi’nde bulunan hoş kiliselerden bir diğeri.

Türkçe çeviri: Melek Emir. Katkılarından dolayı teşekkür ederim.

Chapel of St. Basil Exterior in 2004 6784 small.jpg
Chapel of St. Basil Exterior in 2004 6784 small.jpg
Göreme Museum Basil Chapel 6783.jpg
Göreme Museum Basil Chapel 6783.jpg
Göreme Museum Basil Chapel 6781.jpg
Göreme Museum Basil Chapel 6781.jpg
Göreme Museum Basil Chapel 6776.jpg
Göreme Museum Basil Chapel 6776.jpg
Göreme Museum Basil Chapel 6778.jpg
Göreme Museum Basil Chapel 6778.jpg
Göreme Museum Basil Chapel 6770.jpg
Göreme Museum Basil Chapel 6770.jpg
Göreme Museum Basil Chapel 6771.jpg
Göreme Museum Basil Chapel 6771.jpg
Göreme Museum Basil Chapel 6767.jpg
Göreme Museum Basil Chapel 6767.jpg
Göreme Museum Basil Chapel 6779.jpg
Göreme Museum Basil Chapel 6779.jpg