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Dick Osseman | profile | all galleries >> Gaziantep pictures - Turkey >> Museums in Gaziantep >> Zeugma Mosaic Museum in Gaziantep >> Methiokos tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Zeugma museum | Interior views | Unidentified | The Mars statue at the Gaziantep museum | Lower floor | Achilles | Acratos and Euphrosyne | Akdeğirmen mosaic | Andromeda and Perseus | Animal mosaic fragments | Antiope and Galatea mosaics | Antiope and satyr | Aphrodite mosaic | Aşağı Çardak Mosaic | Çanakçı Mosaic | Çerçili mosaic | Çörten mosaic | Daedalus and Icarus | Dionysos with Skyrtos and Telete | Dionysos and Ariadne | Dionysos' marriage | Dionysus' triumf | Dionysos' bust | Dionysos head | Dionysos portrait | Dionysos 2002 | Eros and Psyche | Eros mosaic | Gaia mosaic | "Gypsy" mosaic | Man with peacock | Hülümen Mosaic | Ikizkuyu mosaic | Kleio and Euterpe mosaic | Koçlu Mosaic | Kurtaran mosaics | Maenads mosaic fragments | Menderes mosaic | Methiokos | Nusaybin mosaic | Oceanous and Thetys | Oylum Höyük mosaic | Perikeiromene and Theophoroumene (Theonoe mosaic) | Poseidon mosaic | Salkim Mosaic | Seasons mosaic | Soğutlu mosaic | Sulumağara Mosaic | Water gods and goddesses | Women at breakfast | Yarımca-Bağtepe / Sarıdere Mosaic | Zeus and Europa | Geometric mosaics | Geometric mosaic in courtyard | Steles


I transfer pictures from several visits to these mosaics to sub-galleries in the Zeugma gallery to put some order in them. This is one such gallery. You will see my technique and equipment (and opinion on what looks best) changes over the years, as do the displays.

The Zeugma site explains that the man Methiokos loved the girl Parthenope, who loved him too, but had made a vow to keep her virginity. She fled to Italy, devoting herself to the winegod Dionysos. However, Aphrodite could not accept she refused physical love, and transformed her into the demon Siren (woman's head, bird's body).
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