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Letoon or Letoum - antique site in Turkey

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The sanctuary of Leto called the Letoon (Λητῶον), sometimes Latinized as Letoum, near Xanthos, was one of the most important religious centers of the Lycian region in Anatolia. The site is located between the towns of Kaş and Fethiye in Antalya province of Turkey, approximately four km south of Xanthos along the Xanthos River. Archaeological finds at the site, which was never a fully-occupied settlement, but remained essentially a religious centre, date back to the late sixth century BCE, before the Greek cultural hegemony in Lycia, which began in the early fourth century. In earlier times, the site was probably already sacred to the cult of an earlier mother goddess— she is Eni Mahanahi in Lycia— which was superseded by the worship of Leto, joined by her twin offspring.

To write captions I used On the Lycian way, a book sold in museums in the area, published by Uranus, publishing. Some captions need to be written yet.
Letoon theatre
Letoon theatre
Temple area
Temple area
Letoon Terrace area 5315.jpg
Letoon Terrace area 5315.jpg
Letoon View 5291.jpg
Letoon View 5291.jpg
Letoon View 5321.jpg
Letoon View 5321.jpg
Letoon View 5322.jpg
Letoon View 5322.jpg
Letoon View 5325.jpg
Letoon View 5325.jpg
Letoon fragment of decoration 5326.jpg
Letoon fragment of decoration 5326.jpg
Letoon fragment of decoration 5328.jpg
Letoon fragment of decoration 5328.jpg
Letoon fragment of decoration 5329.jpg
Letoon fragment of decoration 5329.jpg
Letoon fragment of decoration 5341.jpg
Letoon fragment of decoration 5341.jpg
Letoon fragment 5342.jpg
Letoon fragment 5342.jpg
Letoon Terrace side 5343.jpg
Letoon Terrace side 5343.jpg
Letoon Terrace side 5344.jpg
Letoon Terrace side 5344.jpg
Letoon Church apsis 5345.jpg
Letoon Church apsis 5345.jpg
Letoon Church view to entrance 5346.jpg
Letoon Church view to entrance 5346.jpg
Letoon Church entrance 5347.jpg
Letoon Church entrance 5347.jpg
Letoon Church 4454.jpg
Letoon Church 4454.jpg
Letoon Church 4455.jpg
Letoon Church 4455.jpg
Letoon Nymphaeum 5349.jpg
Letoon Nymphaeum 5349.jpg
Letoon Nymphaeum 5360.jpg
Letoon Nymphaeum 5360.jpg
Letoon Nymphaeum 4460.jpg
Letoon Nymphaeum 4460.jpg
Letoon Fragment of decoration 5365.jpg
Letoon Fragment of decoration 5365.jpg
Letoon North Portico 5374.jpg
Letoon North Portico 5374.jpg
Letoon North Portico 5376.jpg
Letoon North Portico 5376.jpg
Letoon North Portico 5377.jpg
Letoon North Portico 5377.jpg
Letoon fragments all around 5378.jpg
Letoon fragments all around 5378.jpg
Letoon North Portico 4452.jpg
Letoon North Portico 4452.jpg
Letoon North Portico 4468.jpg
Letoon North Portico 4468.jpg
Letoon North Portico 4453.jpg
Letoon North Portico 4453.jpg
Letoon North Portico 4465.jpg
Letoon North Portico 4465.jpg
Letoon Sacred Road 4456.jpg
Letoon Sacred Road 4456.jpg
Letoon Sacred Road 4457.jpg
Letoon Sacred Road 4457.jpg
Letoon Sacred Road 4458.jpg
Letoon Sacred Road 4458.jpg
Letoon Sacred Road  4459.jpg
Letoon Sacred Road 4459.jpg
Letoon Sacred Road 4461.jpg
Letoon Sacred Road 4461.jpg
Letoon Frog 5361.jpg
Letoon Frog 5361.jpg
Letoon Letoon Frog 5362.jpg
Letoon Letoon Frog 5362.jpg
Letoon water turtles 5363.jpg
Letoon water turtles 5363.jpg
Letoon water turtles 5367.jpg
Letoon water turtles 5367.jpg
Leotoon water turtles 5368.jpg
Leotoon water turtles 5368.jpg
Letoon local boy 5366.jpg
Letoon local boy 5366.jpg
Letoon fragments 4463.jpg
Letoon fragments 4463.jpg
Letoon nearby 5381.jpg
Letoon nearby 5381.jpg